May Diary

by - June 01, 2020

It's been so long since I last wrote a monthly recap post though I had the intention to make it a monthly post. As a typical lazy blogger and since my life is boring with nothing much happens, I tend to not write that monthly post. But here I am today, back with May recap. As I've mentioned in my previous iPad post, I'm keeping a digital diary. Hence, this May recap is based on what I wrote in my diary and down here is the diary I made for May.

May Diary

Complete iPad + Apple Pencil set and started practices digital drawings
After almost two weeks of waiting, I finally received my Apple Pencil, and it completed my iPad experience as the initial intention I wanted to have an iPad was to try digital drawing and I can't do that without the Apple Pencil. My first digital drawing was Pikachu and an anime girl I found on the internet. I'm still lacking in digital drawing as I'm just a beginner so I didn't post any of the drawings on my Instagram since I wasn't satisfied with them. I'll practice more and will post once I'm confident with my drawings.

Going to work during Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO)
After such a long time quarantined myself, I finally went out to see the world, thanks to the need to go to work. Since I needed to go to work twice a week only, I continued to stay with my parents during CMCO and went for 1 hour and 30 minutes road trip each time I go to work. Though I miss the normal days, I kinda like it this way so a part of me hoping CMCO will continue a bit longer, tehee.

Doing part-time Masters Study during CMCO
As a part-time student, I didn't get enough rest as I was working during weekdays and got classes during weekend. So I kinda like CMCO as I got plenty of time to do my assignments and the online classes were flexible. I just finished submitting all assignments for one subject and another is waiting. I can't wait to finish the semester. As it's my first semester, I hope I'll do well. Please wish me luck!

Mom's birthday on 5th May and youngest brother's on 24th
On my mom's birthday, the whole family including my dad didn't wish her birthday, we didn't even mention it because we ordered surprise delivery. The surprise delivery came in late around 4.00pm and it surprised mom so much, she loved it. My brother and I also bought a new phone for her as her phone was already broken. Mom didn't expect it as we never gave our parents any expensive gift before so she was thrilled and happy about it. We were glad that she loved it! For our youngest, my mom and I baked a chocolate cake. We planned to buy him a new phone too, but only by the end of the year.

CovEid 2020
I've posted this year's eid on my previous post, go check it out if you haven't already. Every year, I never missed to give out Raya card to my friends and this year is not an exception. But this time, I made a digital card instead. It was a challenge as I needed to design the card myself rather than just buy a card and write on it like I used to. Anyway, though this year's eid definitely not the same anymore, I'm glad that we celebrated it as normal as we could. 

The King: Eternal Monarch (TKEM)
TKEM is a fantasy, sci-fi Kdrama. I contemplated a lot before decided to watch TKEM because I don't like the hero, Lee Min Ho. But I watched it anyway because I love the heroin, Kim Go Eun and the writer, Kim Eun Sook. The show also started off boring as it was so slow-paced and the romance felt like it was forced. But the show then got really good starting from episode 6. There are only 3 episodes left and I can't wait for it! The World of The Married has ended but I still haven't watched it as I really hate a cheating husband. We'll see when would I finally want to watch it, lol.

Lathi, If I fall in love and Running on my mind
TikTok is gaining more and more attention but I still didn't install it. I watch TikTok videos people posted on Twitter instead. I stumbled upon a TikTok video on the song Lathi and I was immersed in it. The song was so good I can't stop replaying. Ali Gatie also released new songs right after Ramadhan was over, 'If I fall in love' and 'Running on my mind'. He never disappoints with his songs. I love 'Running on my mind' more than 'If I fall in love' though. Go stream all the songs I mentioned on Spotify!

I guess that's all for my May diary. Hope June would bring good news and be better than May.

How was your May?

Till then,

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  1. i didn't expect that you'd mention tiktok and lathi. my friend had that song stucked in his head and i was like, "you do realize it's a tiktok song?"

    i love tiktok but he hates it so it was fun.

    doing part time master and two-day per week to work? that's a dream come true

    1. Tiktok has many beneficial videos too and the songs are all so nice.
      Yeah, it's a dream come true indeed for having so much time to study but thing is, I didn't study, lol.

  2. wehhh ticiknyaaa gambo. aku gigih save nak baca apa ko tulis, tapi bila zoom takleh bacaaa huhuhuhu

    1. Haah lah kecik rupanya. Tapi dah buat original size dah. Taktau lah. But bagus jugak takleh baca hahaha.

  3. Baru tengok jugak TKEM... setuju yang bahagian awal tu agak slow, gigih rasa nak teruskan perjalanan. Haha. Tapi plot dia menarik laaa, sebab banyak kena guna fikiran haih. :D

    1. Betul tu. Awal2 slow, now dah tak sabar nak tahu ending. Memang best!

  4. Tqa baru nak start The King Eternal Monarch sebab Tqa tak suka tunggu episod baru so bila semua episode dah keluar baru tengok. Now tengah tunggu last episod kat telegram, baru tengok from the beginning. Baru download sampai ep. 15 je haha

    Eid Mubarak to you and belated birthdays to your mom and your brother.

    1. It's because episode 16 belum keluar! Tengah tak sabar nak tengok ending ni. Eid Mubarak to you too!

  5. produktifnya. so happy for you. I'm waiting for TKEM finals episode this week and will start watching the whole episode again soon. haha
    I wanted to watch born again but the storyline was a bit, nahhh forget it. i'll watch it if i feel like it. haha
    May was actually pretty hectic for me as I work day and night. Tried so many new things and working on a different medium. It's all so very new but fun.

    1. I'm kinda refraining myself from watching too many Kdramas because I have lots to do for my studies.
      Glad that you had a good May! Hopefully June would be better!
