Favourite Artist : Choi Seung Hyun aka TOP

by - February 09, 2017

I've mentioned before here, that I love Bigbang and TOP is my bias in the group. Here's a bit about him, in case you don't know who he is.

Full Name : Choi Seung Hyun, better known as TOP (his stage name)
Born : November 4, 1987 in Seoul, South Korea
Occupation : Rapper/ Songwriter/ Actor

More about him at : wikipedia

TOP got the nickname 'Bingu' which means stupid in English because of his dorky and funny attitude, especially his goofy dance which he would do whenever he likes even when nobody asked him to.
Here's an example of his dorkiness : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZNKiBGcvOM

I first fell in love in this guy when I watched K-Drama IRIS (2007) where he played the role of an assassin. Though his scenes weren't that much in the drama but his intense stare and manly voice left a big impression to me and I immediately searched about him. That's when I learned that he's in Bigbang and I immediately fell in love in the whole group too. I mean, bunch of handsome men and great songs, who wouldn't like it, right? Especially if you're a Kpopper.

For your information, every healthy Korean man, before the age of 30 years old, they would be serving in the military for two years and celebrities are no exception. TOP's military service started earlier today, on 9th Feb 2017. 

And that guys, was why I needed to post this entry. Knowing that I won't be able to look at his handsome face for two years made my heart break into pieces. I know I'm just being a fan girl and all but WHY IS IT SO HARD TO LET HIM GO? *cries a river. I really feel like sending away a real boyfriend or maybe it even feels like we're breaking up while I still love him dearly, lol.

Hey TOP, if you ever read this (which I think you would, in my dream), just know that I'll forever love you, and I'll wait for you, that is if I'm still into Kpop at that time tehee.

Soz not soz for the fangirling mode in this post, guys.

Who artist do you love like the way I love TOP?

Till then, 

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  1. hahahaha... You're just so cute.. Well I had that I felt like my real boyfie.. Kim jong kook, I even cried seeing him on blind date at one of runningman's recent episode.. ==

    1. oh my grammar.. Perangai tak check before enter.. ni la dia.. ==

    2. I watched that episode! I actually ship him with Ji Hyo after Gary left the show hihi

    3. To be frank, I had been shipping them even before Gary left the show.. hahaha.. I don't mind him with Ji hyo but seeing him on blind date breaks my heart.. xD

    4. haha damn, that's surprising! the Monday couple shouldn't have any rival lah.

      Hope your heart has been healed ;')

  2. Kalau artis korea kita kenal pelakon je, of course la lee min ho and jin go, sebab macho,kekekekke.

    Fuyoo hebatlah korea, semua yg sihat2 kat sana pernah masuk army, well prepared kalau ada perang (nauzubillahiminzalik),fuh.

    1. haah sebab diorang kena berjaga-jaga dengan North Korea.

      Lee Min Ho pon nak masuk army dah tahun ni kalau tak silap hihi

  3. I love TOP too!!! Dia handsome sangat dan tinggi! Ohh Siqah suka lelaki tinggi. Muahahaha. Sedih kan TOP nak join military dah. 2 tahun tanpa dia lah nampaknya.

    Yes. TOP is Bingu. Hehe. Lya tengok dah Weekly Idol Big Bang? TOP paling kelakar dalam tu. Hehe.

    Will miss you TOP <3

    1. Mestila tengok, Bigbang kot haha. Infinity Challenge pon dia paling gila. Rindu dia la pasni for 2 thaun T__T

  4. I love his eyes! Suka sangat tengok TOP menggila. Episod Weekly Idol that day pun memang tak berhenti gelak sebab dia. People won't know how he is kalau tak perhati betul-betul. Dia pun bias saya juga dalam Bigbang. Cuma kadang-kadang Seungri kacau sikit. ><

    1. I know right! Gila-gila dia tu memang comel despite his manly features hihi

  5. He's so cute at my very first sight omg!

  6. Kahkahkahhhh. Finally... move on lahh kak. Dua tahunn tak lamaaa

  7. hahaha boleh cari lelaki korea lain kot untuk ganti dia for two years.

  8. ahh TOP. he's so extra like act cool on stage and drama but changes to completely fool in real life

    1. i know right! and that's what charming about him as I didn't expect him to be such a funny guy with that manly handsome face haha

  9. Me kenal Lee min ho seja. hahaha. but i do fangirling to a girl actually. I love park shin hye and nam gyu ri for their angelic and feminine personalities. hehe.

    1. I have girl crush too, I really love yoo in na!

  10. Dulu i have so many kpop idol on my list. The first time i cried so badly when leeteuk (super junior) going to serve his military service and since that, i barely updated with Suju. Its like i feel that emptiness in suju where the leader, the one i always look upon to wasn't there.
    Now he's back and hopefully other suju members will complete their military service this year and i hope their comeback will be the best ever!

    XX Atheera | http://atheeradayana.com XX

    1. they've been gone for a very long time indeed! I believe suju will have an awesome comeback once the members are complete again!
      I was too embarrassed to say that I cried when Top left for army, but yea I did! T___T

  11. Aktor korea nich banyak yg cantik manis gitu hehehe

    1. Tapi I believe yang ini handsome manly gitu, bukan cantik manis haha

  12. Omg same! I like TOP too mainly for his look and his funny attitude lol

    1. oh and his voice tooooooooo. So manly! (sorry for spamming. I need to write this)

    2. I actually fell in love in his voice first, then I found that he has a handsome face. haha. I love guys with manly voice like him!

  13. TOP was also my bias in Bigbang. O the good ol' day. He is almost 30? Wow. I feeling rather old now. I don't how heartbroken I'd be if they stop filming Supernatural so go alia, go, cry a river if that makes you feel better. Hahahaha.

    1. I did cry at that time haha. Miss him dearly now :'(
