I Finally Started A YouTube Channel

by - June 05, 2020

Hi. Finally, I did the one thing I never thought I would - I started a YouTube channel and I already posted two videos on the same day. Talk about the excitement of discovering new things! 

I Finally Started A YouTube Channel

I started to enjoy watching YouTube videos during this quarantine since there's not much to do. Then at some point, I thought I wanted to make one too. But since I don't have a good camera and I don't really know what contents should I do so I postponed it for quite some time. I thought, I would start it once I buy a new camera, which is gonna be about a year from now. I thought that's the final decision I made on making a YouTube channel.

Life continues, and I started watching YouTube videos more often which eventually intrigued me to start it sooner, especially since I've owned an iPad which would be a great tool to edit videos. So I started recording. I edit the videos using VLLO apps on my iPad and now my YouTube channel is up;

As I said, I don't have a good camera so please pardon the bad camera quality. Also, I don't know if it's just me but I find my Malay subtitle is kinda cringy. But I want to make a dual-language subtitle, in Malay and English, so I would keep it that way. Hopefully, I would improve on not making it cringy in the future. Since I am a newbie to this thing I hope I did okay with the videos, on the transition, subtitles, sound, editing, and contents, everything. 

Just like this blog, I'm gonna post videos on random stuff I love, especially maybe on daily life, iPad tips and cooking. I gotta be honest. I guess this post is more like me promoting my YouTube channel. I hope you guys would find that my videos are up to your liking. If you wanna see how an introvert's YouTube videos look like, then hit the play button. 
Watch it, like it and subscribe to it if you love it. I thank you in advance!

Do you have a YouTube channel? Share with me!

Till then,

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  1. goodluck in making more videos soon!! done subscribed jugak :D *fifth

  2. Will follow soon. Do follow my youtube channel too! --> Beeha Azman ^^

  3. Selamat berjaya dalam dunia you tube dik. Moga dapat hasilkan banyak video yang positif. Boleh follow you tube akk jgk ➡ Shima Jelani

  4. Good luck on your new challenge that is making videos. Pretty sure I used to wanting making videos too but apparently, I was just too lazy :(

    1. Trying to win against laziness sure is a tough battle! Hope you'll get the motivation soon and we could subscribe to each other's hehe. Thank you for the kind wish anyway!

  5. Currently watching your vlogs while reading this blog post. Done subscribed.
    Tqa jarang guna transitions, I only use it once untuk vlog Loveliee Magnificent event tu. Lepas tu tak guna dah hahaha tak tau lah kenapa.

    here's mine if you wish to see it :)

    Have a nice day.

    1. I love your channel, I've subscribed to it. Keep making aesthetic contents!

  6. Yeay done subscribing. I do have a Youtube channel as well.

    My username is Dyllarezan. I'll attach the link here as well :)


  7. new subscriber here!

  8. Congratulations and good luck

  9. takpe nanti lama2 boleh la tu beli kamera yang cantik untuk buat video..

  10. Good luck!! will definitely check out your youtube channel! check out mine too at Sarah Isyah haha

    1. Thank you, I've checked yours too!

  11. yahooooo !! and thank u dear
    follow mine.. i like ur videos. keep it up..

  12. OMG yes! Subscribed! I also made one last month but haven't updates for 2 weeks lol

    1. I saw! It's okay, procrastination indeed is our best friend xD

  13. I have a YouTube account too! I cleared up videos with my face, so it's left with dull travel videos only. Haha. InsyaaAllah one video is coming up soon. :)

    Here's the link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHG8Ut5lP5sdDZBiFMwDh4w/featured

    1. I love travel videos! Will check 'em out!
