CovEid 2020

by - May 28, 2020

I'm seeing a lot of Eid photos with 'CovEid' caption, I guess indicating with what's been happening currently, hence I put it as the title to this year's Eid post. Some of you might notice that I'm in the process of deleting my photos on the internet so I won't be posting my family's Eid photos this year. Please bless your eyes with this flower painting from a stock photo instead.

CovEid 2020

From the span of last year's Eid post to this post, I've posted about 30 posts in total. In those 30 posts, I  humbly apologize if there were any of my writings that might've hurt you, might've offended you. Trust me, I never intended to write negatively. On the other hand, I'm very grateful if any of my writings have inspired you in any way possible.

I believed we all were having mixed feelings celebrating Eid this year. With the virus didn't show any sign to stop spreading, followed by the government's SOP on Eid celebration, we might not get to celebrate it as lively as we did. But I was glad to see most of us still celebrated it with joy, still posting Eid ootd and served foods. I hope the virus will stop the soonest and we'll get our normal days back.

I wish you and your family in good health and may this Eid brings happiness to you nonetheless.

Till next Eid,

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  1. Haah lahh ko tak post pun ootd ko. Anto lah kat group wehhhh hahahahhahaha

    1. Malangnya takde ootd tahun ni. Huhu.

  2. Happy Eid to you and your family. Stay safe always tau. Hehe btw awesome gila tajuk entry ni... same goes to the painting. It's so cute!! :3

    1. Masa memula jumpa this 'CovEid' tagline ni pun I rasa awesome. Just wanted to clarify that it's not me who invented it, hihi. Happy Eid to you too!

  3. hehe tahun ni raya mmg sesimple2nyaaa :D

    1. Betul tu, simple je celebrate Raya tahun ni hihi

  4. selamat harii raya dan maaf zahir batin :D
    alhamdulillah dapat merasa beraya dengan family lagi tahun ni :)

    1. Betul tu, alhamdulillah masih dapat beraya dengan family. Selamat hari raya BV!

  5. SELAMAT HARI RAYA!! best entry ini.. done follow u, follow me back.. tq

  6. I just realized something. I didn't even post one Raya photo this year. haha

  7. aamiin mudah2an makbul doa yang baik2. raya ni meriah juga tengok orang ootd. kebanyakannya kat dalam rumah dan tak kurang yang kreatif ambil kat sudut mana2 halaman rumah. hehe

    1. Betul. Paling comel tengok gambar ootd dengan pakai mask. Hihi.

  8. Selamat Hari Rayaaaa ;)
