Pre 2019

by - October 05, 2018

Hi, remembered that I said I'll be writing in my planner for this year in this post(click) before? As usual, I abandoned the planner yet again. I didn't write a single page at all so the planner still could be used for next year even though the date won't be a match. But since I love wasting money on books, I've bought a new planner for 2019, with the same hope that I won't be abandoning it this time tehee. Here are some reasons why I was eager to buy this planner and why I think I might be able to be committed to this one.

Who wouldn't love a colourful and catchy cover? I fell in love at the first sight of this planner. Wait till you see the cheerful and creative contents too! I ordered only the planner but was surprised by the additional notebooks. The purple 'Enjoy The Journey' was a to-do list notebook while the white 'Mistakes Are Proof That You're Trying' was a normal empty pages notebook. 

 I was excited at the first page as it had a welcoming page to indicate the owner of the planner by putting the photo and details of the owner. Imma put my best photo here. There's also a section for a photo by the end of the book to see how much you've changed by the end of the year in term of your appearance, I guess - hopefully, I'll be less chubby by then.

I don't really think that I could fill 'Books To Read' section as I'm not that into reading nowadays but maybe filling half of it also is good enough for the-lazy-to-read me.

I had to admit that I'm not consistent in reading the Quran so I hope I'll be committed to completing this Quran tracker to cover up the times I didn't read the Quran before. It was quite burdensome having the 'Hafaz' section but thinking back, I used to hafaz quite a number of sura when I was a kid so why couldn't I hafaz more when I'm an adult, right?

A typical monthly section which I love

Weekly section and the most important 'Monthly Budget' section so that I could track my spending instead of wondering where all my money went to.

The weekly section which contains all the trackers - cash flow, Quran reading, activities

Monthly review and my favourite part was the doodling so I could release my stress by colouring this up, can't wait!

Motivational quotes and illustrations in the intersection of months which made the planner even more awesome

Ramadhan tracker, also like Quran tracker!

I wanted to design a planner myself but realising that I was too lazy, I decided to just get myself an attractive planner and I found out about this planner on twitter. I was attracted to its nicely designed cover and contents. If you think that this planner is attractive yourselves, you could get it by WhatsApp the owner at +60135933229 or click this link:  

Hopefully, I won't abandon this planner like the previous one tehee.

Till then,

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  1. omg this is by far the best planner ive seen! cantiknyaa and the content too!

  2. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA SEBIJIK ODO DENGAN PLANNER AKU. eh tak. aku punya corak yg buaian tu. hahahahahaha

  3. That is one cute planner!

    I hope you wouldn't abandon this beautiful planner to waste this year too lol

  4. I abandoned my planner too..! hahahaha..
    The spirit hilang mendadak bila salah tulis and rasa tak puas hati, nak koyak bagi tak nampak ada salah tulis.. I can never write one with this disorder..

    1. Right! Apart from I became lazy, my reason for abandoning the planner sama macam anis jugak hehe

  5. Comelnya planner! :D

    I bought mine as well tapi tak comel macam ni la.

    1. It's okay tak comel pun, as long as the purpose for a planner still there and paling penting, don't abandon it! teeheee

  6. Sooo cuteee lah the planner! Nak ada planner but I don't rely much on my planner like some people do. Nanti sayang je tak guna T_T

    lenne | blog

    1. I don't rely much on planner too but trying to be hehe ;)

  7. i never have a planner lol but this is the best planner i've ever seen so far :)

    1. Right! I've never found such perfect planner too

  8. this planner look so inviting and appealing to my eyes! I love that it has so many contents functions that help us to keep track on our daily life

    ☆ Atheera ☆

    1. Yass, and it's the reason why I bought it :)
