Reborn; Hoping For A Better Nation

by - May 11, 2018


I never imagined being part of the crew during this General Election 14 (GE14). I was appointed to be one of the presiding officers for DUN N.27 Pasir Pinji. The people voting for DUN N.27 Pasir Pinji had always known to inclined to vote for PKR so there were no issues that complicated the voting process, fortunately, so I had a fun and overwhelming experience that I'll never forget.

I reached home around 9.00pm that voting day and I was eager to wait for the result, especially because I wanted to know whether it's a work day the day after or an off day. But since I've worked non-stop for more than 12 hours that day, I was so exhausted and couldn't wait for the result. I woke up at 6.30am and immediately watched the news through online websites.

I was so excited at the news of the historic moment, a reborn Malaysia with Pakatan Harapan (PH) took over Barisan Nasional's (BN) 61 years rule of the national front. It was an unbelievable moment and I believe, the youth of the 90's kids who voted for the first time was the main reason that the regime changed. This proven that the democracy rule we practice indeed is in the people's hand. Every party who competed to rule the government loves our country just as much and everyone wanted the best for the country but maybe we needed a change and that's what happened. 
It was an exciting moment to watch Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad sworn in as Prime Minister (PM) last night, making him the first PM to take the role twice and he became the oldest ever serving state leader in the world while Wan Azizah who was expected to be his deputy would become the first female Deputy Prime Minister in Malaysia. What a day to be alive to witness these historic events! PH is bearing a huge responsibility to prove to the people that they can do it since it's their first time winning the election. Let's give them time and together help our new government in building a better nation.

Spread love, not hate.
Till then,

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  1. Congrats Lya as a part of the crew during GE-14..
    Welcome back Tun M.. I agree with you Lya, we hope for a better nation..

    1. it feels so surreal about this GE14, hopefully we'll be better :)

  2. I may have missed all the heat and excitement of this GE14 but I can at least say that I'm happy that Malaysians are willing to embrace the change :)

    1. yea, anyhow we must embrace the change to be better, hopefully.

  3. Yes, let's spread love and not hate!

  4. I had one question in my mind, how did you manage to become part of spr..? You should write an entry on that.. xD

    1. spr doesn't have their own crew for general election since it's only held once in every 5 years so they recruit people from various agencies and me, my boss had me being part of the crew, I had no choice. teehee

  5. Semoga kita dapat kerajaan baru yang mantap, dan pembangkang yang berdaya saing untuk provide servis terbaik untuk rakyat. Harapan untuk Malaysia baru. Hihi.

    Thank you sudi menyumbang tenaga hari mengundi haritu...<3

    1. Betul tu, kalau tiada pembangkang yang berdaya saing pon susah untuk kerajaan strive to be better. Apa-apa pon kita harapkan yang terbaik bagi Malaysia yang baru ni :)

  6. this is indeed one of the best thing which ever happen

  7. yang penting najib dah tak pegang malaysia

  8. Congratulations for the reboot after 6 decade
