Avengers: Infinity War

by - May 06, 2018

infinity war

I never missed watching all Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movies, Ironman, Captain America, Avengers, you name it. It's like I grew up watching the movies, watching the actors getting older and hotter. When I first heard that Avengers: Infinity War is going to be released, I was so thrilled and couldn't wait for it. I watched it on the third day of its release and damn the wait was 100% worth it.

Warning: I honestly trying hard to not spoil anything from the movie but I might. So read at your own risk.

The Plot
We could already guess what the movie is all about by just watching the trailer. The Avengers came together, united to defeat their strongest enemy yet, Thanos, trying to prevent him from getting all six infinity stones. Thanos was portrayed as someone who's quite fragile when it comes to love - for his adopted daughter, Gamora - and that was unexpected. I also didn't expect to have a mental breakdown for the first five minutes of the movie - my favourite character died and I cried a river. The final battle was held at Wakanda, unfortunately, so I hate that Black Panther died after he sacrifices his country to have the war.

Majority of people from Twitter said that they weren't satisfied with the ending but I love it. Not saying that I love how many of them died at the end but I love how truthful and not cliche the ending was. I mean, Thanos won the war so the ending with many died was necessary to fulfil Thanos's winning wish.

I love love love the cinematographic, especially when the team were fighting Thanos at the planet Titan, it was scenic! Every second in the movie was exciting and thrilling. It was packed with action scenes that were not boring at all, the funny scenes were still there but not too excessive like the movie Thor: Ragnarok. The movie was just so perfect and every second was worth to watch.

The Post-Credit Scene
Marvel movies always have two post-credit scenes with the first funny scene and the intense second scene. However, there was no funny post-credit scene in Infinity War and that broke my heart a little. Instead, it showed how Nick Fury hurriedly sends SOS message to someone before he died. As I didn't read the comic, I had no idea it was Captain Marvel until my brother told me and the news about her went viral on Twitter and Facebook. But I didn't expect Captain Marvel was a woman! Can't wait for the movie!

The Cast
I love how huge the casts are in this movie as all the Avengers were there except for Ant-Man and Hawkeye - where the hell that the guy went to? I love Captain America's new look with his sexy beard, I think he was the talk of the town. Thor's new haircut since the movie Ragnarok made him look so handsome which he deserved, I was so mad that he donning the long hair before this. But I don't agree with a blonde Black Widow, I loved her red hair and I think she should've stayed to that colour.

As cliche as it could be, every movie would've its negative side and it was the same with Infinity War. Too many questionable scenes but overall the movie was still lit and to me, it was the best movie of MCU yet. 

My rating: 9/10.

Have you watched Avengers: Infinity War yet? What's your rating for the movie?

Till then,

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  1. I haven't watch this movie. Need to watch the few movies that I missed so that I will understand this movie.

    1. Yea it's quite difficult to understand if you didn't watch the series before. But watching infinity war alone is okay nonetheless.

  2. tak sabar menanti sekuel dia
    Hidup Thanos!

  3. I have not watched it yet! T^T but sure later when it's out in astro Best huhuhu :')
    Thanks a lot for visiting my blog!! ^^

    1. Waiting for it to be released on Astro means more spoilers alert lah hehe
      You're welcome, and thanks for visiting mine too

  4. I just watched the movie yesterday and there are so many things that I don't understand because I don't follow Marvel movies in the first place lol. Now I'll try my best watching every single movies starting from Iron Man.

    1. Yea I guess it's quite hard to understand the movie if you didn't follow the series. It's okay, all the movies are worth to watch so go watch them ;)

  5. belum tengok lagi movie nie sebab BV nak tengok dulu movie marvel sebelum2 nie yg berkaitan sebab takut takfaham :D nice review!!

    1. Haah kalau tak tengok movie2 sebelum ni, might not able to faham betul infinity war ni. tengok la semua movie, kalau BV suka movie superfero, you'll never regret tengok marvel punya movies.

  6. I haven't watch this yet..! The first time I'm left out for this but maybe, I should just wait till it gets online.. D:

    1. it's still screening in cinemas so it's not too late to go watch them ;)

  7. Mrs. A dah tengok sebab kids yang beriya-iya nak tengok.
    Layan jugak la tapi geram ada sekuel lagi la pulak

    1. Haha tula, kena bersabar tunggu sekuel ye

  8. saya tak pernah tengok :( saya first time datang sini & terus follow sebab suka content blog ni. kalau sudi meh la singgah blog baru saya

    1. thank you for loving my blog, sure mesti beri kunjungan balas :)

  9. I just watched it with my brother last week. Since I didn't watch any Marvel movie before this (because I don't like superheroes and I don't even know why XD), there's a lot of things that I don't understand. But this movie is awesome! Can't wait for the sequel! But I think I have to watch all the series first.

    1. It's awesome even if you don't watch the prev series, right? So you should start watching all the series~

  10. syallah sampai sekarang aku tak tengok lagi hmmm
