Sekeping Kong Heng, Ipoh

by - March 02, 2019

We really need a break some time from our busy working and bored weekend routine. I've always wanted to go on a staycation just to temporarily escape the reality so my housemate, Kak Dai and I decided to have a one night stay at Sekeping Kong Heng, Ipoh. This review had long overdue but I still want to save it here because Sekeping Kong Heng deserves its own review!

Sekeping Retreats are all over Malaysia and is very famous among travelers. Sekeping Kong Heng offers a retreat with the concept of blending human design with nature and the retreat preserved as much of the character of the existing building whilst new building designed to complement and harmonizes with the existing building and nature surrounds it. I love how the architect decided to "bare it all" with the raw materials used for the building.

The common area was equipped with a television, few hammocks, beds with cozy pillows, few dining table and seats. The unique part was how these items of furniture designed with steel and wood. The pool was located on the rooftop of another block so we had to walk through people along the Plan B cafe to get there. It was the one thing that was an inconvenience. But the vibe of the pool was so peaceful and comfortable.

Originally, I was thinking to go alone for this staycation if I don't get anyone to go with me but I'm glad that Kak Dai joined be because surprisingly there was no one else stayed at the retreat. So we had the place, the pool, to ourselves. It was great but scary at the same time since it went all quiet and creepy at night. Overall, we had a great time and got to somehow released our stress from work.

Do you enjoy going on a staycation? Suggest me where should I go for a staycation next!

Till then,

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  1. I do enjoy going on staycation. Maybe I should do one in the future 😊

    Syaza |

    1. Personally I think staycation is a must to release stress and to stay sane, hehe

  2. This is my first time knowing about this place.. Seems interesting but somehow boleh nampak suasana a tad creepy dia..

    1. Ikr! Nice, cozy, comfy and all but creepy T___T

  3. this is an amazing idea for a staycation. i've never knew such place exist. i need to sleep on that hammock now.

    1. I loved the hammock! I wish to make one in my house haha

  4. Macam best dapat lelap sejam dua on the hammock

  5. Tengok gambar mcm creepy gila, but glad you are having fun being with only ourselves. We need or 'me time' once in a while. ^^

    1. yeap, a short trip to release our stress from the reality is a must once in a while

  6. best kan concept diorang ni. just got to know sebenarnya pasal Sekeping Retreat ni. tu pun lepas orang share the 'Sekeping' in Penang. barula aware hehe..

    1. Yep, but most exciting one yang sekeping serendah la, not yet berpeluang nak pergi!

  7. mcm best je, memag ada plan nk weekend gateaway ke sana, boleh try
