Reviewing My Bucket List

by - December 15, 2018

Dear self, let's write something before ending the year, please?

Hi everyone, by only a few weeks left for 2018, I hope we all are in our best condition. Anyway,  I've decided to review my bucket list which I've written here in this post though this might still be early. I think it's best to just write it since my lazy fingers might go the remaining days without a new post until 2019 tehee.

#1 Saving Money - X
Having at least RM10k by the end of the year? Ha...ha...ha... Welp, that's your answer, I've failed at this. As an adult with bills to pay aside being a shopaholic and craving for expensive food all the time, saving money is a very very hard task for me.

#2 Travelling - /
Congrats to me for achieving this one. Finally went travelling after such a long time and of course, the highlight was my Mount Bromo trip. You could read about my experience in this post. Let's have more and more travelling in 2019!

#3 S Size - X
My love for food and my hate at exercising made me failed this wish. I did lose some weight when I was training for my PTD application and at some point, I wore M size instead of my usual L size but when I failed the third test, I gave up my diet also tehee. But at least, I'm maintaining my weight instead of going over it, right?

#4 New Phone - /
Say hi to my new Oppo F7! I contemplated a lot whether to get Oppo F7 or Huawei P20 but since I love my savings more so I got Oppo F7 which was cheaper. But the funny thing was, exactly after two months I got my new phone, they released Oppo F9. I was like, why didn't I know that it was coming? I would've waited!

#5 Masters Study - X
Like I've said, to do masters study would affect my #1 and #2 wish so I didn't do it last year. But I do plan to do my masters study next year, wish me luck!

A lot really had happened this year, especially I think I've improved a lot in terms of my career along with my leadership skills. I appreciate everything happened to me be it the good or the bad ones. Hope you guys would too. Let's strive for a better year ahead, shall we?

p/s: A special shout-out to dear Afifah for tagging me in her latest tag post, it's been a while.

Till then,

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  1. thanks for the shout! i never did any resolution and tbh, 2018 for me is simply to finish PRP and get my skin on track. it wasn't even an actual resolution, just like "i gotta do this in this year". though i do got some for 2019. for the first time in my life, i might going to have new year resolutions.

    i connect with #1 in spiritual level except that i don't even think to save anything. lulz.

    1. #1 indeed is a hard thing to do but I'm just gonna bring this to 2019 nonetheless hehe
      It's good to have new year resolutions and the resolutions should be specific so you would try hard at achieving them, Good luck for yours in 2019!

  2. may all your wishes come true Insyallah. reading this post makes me think of my bucket list too. hehe..

    1. Thanks, and may yours come true too ;)

  3. hi.. content blog menarik.. lets blogwalking and click iklan..done follow u.. follow me back.. thanks

  4. 2 out of 5 tercapai not so bad.
    Keep it up yang no 1 tu boleh!!!

    1. sepatutnya boleh, but the boros me yang degil hukhuk

  5. We practically had the same wishlist and failed at the same things too ;; what is this? Lol. I really need to get back in shape because it affecting my health at some point. I guess, living in a level 5 room with no elevator has done me a big favor >,< I do lose some kilo but need more :')))

    Hopefully, we would do better in 2019!

    1. high five for our telepathy haha. May us bring those we didn't achieve to next year and rocks em!

  6. Congratulation for achieving 2/5 of the bucket list! Let's carry forward the unfulfilled bucket list to this year. I wrote similar topic on my private blog. Might publish it on my public blog later if I'm rajin. Hahaha

    1. Thank you! Yeah, it's a typical post on new year ;)
