What To Achieve In 2018

by - January 02, 2018

2018 resolution

2017 was one hell of a ride as you could read on my previous post and to me, that year was the fastest to end, ever. It felt like only yesterday I wrote my first post on 2017 and now I'm writing the first post on 2018. Hoping for a brighter and better year ahead, here is my bucket list I want to achieve this year.

#1 Saving Money
I'm a shopaholic and I love spending money on food so it is very difficult for me to spare some of my salary for saving and my bank account ended up with no money left every month. So I'm setting my mind this year to have at least RM10k by the end of the year. To achieve this, I decided to make an account book to record my daily expenses so I could control it.

#2 Travelling
Going on an airplane and fly to the other side of the world had always been my dream each year but I never get to do it for the past 3 years. One of the main reason was money, as I mentioned in #1. Hopefully, I'll get to save some for travelling this year.

#3 S size
To lose weight had always been one of my new year resolutions but as typical as it could be, I never achieve it. Food is everything for me and going on diet is the hardest thing to do in my life. But it changed after I passed the PTD online exam and I needed to lose weight for its physical test. I managed to go on a strict diet and lose 5kg for 3 weeks and I've achieved the ideal BMI for the test but it's not enough for me as I can't see any changes in my body. People kept telling me that I look slimmer but what's the point if I still can't wear an S size t-shirt, right? So I decided to achieve that this year.

#4 New Phone
To mark what I want to buy the most this year is a new handphone. My Oppo N1 Mini is still going on strong without a glitch though it's been 4 years. The only problem it has is a very low-life battery, it can only last for few hours so a power bank is a must wherever I go but I'm totally okay with it. The phone's problem wasn't the main reason I want a new one but I just get bored of it already. About time, eh?

#5 Masters Study
I didn't feel anything when I saw most of my friends continue their Masters but by the time that my best friend further her study, it motivated me to do the same. I did mention that I want to do my Masters in Australia but I halted my application after I got the job in Ipoh. Not wanting to let go of my current job, I decided to go for a part-time postgraduate instead. I'm still contemplating on this because it will affect my #1 bucket list so we'll just see about that teehee.

The list here is some sort of a reminder to me to strive for these goals. I'll get back to this post when it's December to tick off this list, hopefully. Happy New Year and have a great one, everyone!

What is your bucket list for 2018?

Till then,

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  1. what's my bucket list? as big and as large as the bucket with lots to achieve..haha

    to conclude everything..no #1 is the main factor hehe. I wish you good luck and wish you success in 2018 and after..

    1. #1 will always be the main goal for us, right?
      Thank you and wishing for your success in 2018 too :)

  2. Good luck on your bucketlist! :D

    Visit me here : The Hundred Pages

  3. I can see you have a good plan ahead. Be patient and all the best to be discipline :) Fighting2!!


  4. weh nak pijam duit. huhuhu.

    uuuuuuu new phonee lah syal

    1. Hehehe doakan lah supaya aku berjaya menyimpan lol

  5. Happy new year Dari mama

  6. I haven't decided what goals to achieve in 2018 yet lol.

    Anyway, Happy New Year!

    1. It's okay, 2018 has 12 months for you to make the decision hihi.
      Happy new year Rasya :)

  7. Hope you will achieve all of your goals! Fighting~

  8. All the best with your resolutions.. You can do this..!🤗

    1. Wishing you all the best in your 2018 too Anis :)

  9. May all your bucket list come true.

    Mrs. A haven't decided yet huhuhu...

    1. Thank you and may your goals come true when you've decided about them too :)

  10. haha.. me too.. need to save more money... no more spending on unnecessary things..


    1. I know right. We need to discipline ourselves this year hihi

  11. same goal on number 5

    1. High five. Hee. May we achieve what we target to be :)

    2. Ameen. May Allah ease everything for us

  12. goodluck in your bucket list :D

  13. Moga tercapai semua azam tahun ni. You go girl!

    1. Hopefully, thank you for the kind wish :)
