Searching For Happiness

by - January 16, 2017

When I was a child, I always thought that being an adult was what best define happiness. With tons of money, they could buy whatever they want without the need to whining and begging with puppy eyes to your parents. Not to mention the scolding you get from those actions.

Now that I'm an adult, I know that having money, having the ability to buy whatever you want still couldn't make you happy. Satisfaction, yes, but not happiness.

To me, being happy is the most difficult thing to achieve but it doesn't mean it never happened along my twenty-four years of living. I had my happy moments when I went travelling, when I got my first bike, when I achieved good grades for SPM, when I graduated, well the lists go on and on.

However as I'm older, I find myself desperately searching for living a happy life instead of experiencing happy moments like what I've been through. You know, the feeling of having a positive vibe all day, when you can't stop smiling everyday and keep looking forward for tomorrow. I have yet to live such life.

But I do think that there is no greater happiness than to make someone else happy. I'm blessed to have my family and friends whom I know would always be there for me. I'm the happiest when I got to make these people happy. I'm the happiest when I see the smiles on these people's faces and I would risk anything to make sure those smiles would never fade.

Happiness is subjective, it doesn't have a definite answer to what exactly the meaning is. You would know it when you feel it so it's you who should define your own happiness.

So have you find your definition of happiness?

Till then,

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  1. Happiness always comes from the littlest thing.

  2. being content and not worrying too much about unnecessary things made me happy. actually, as i read this, i remembered i have also write something like this.

    1. Oh really? I'll check it out later :)

  3. Normally when someone happy it will shown by the smile
    But not everyone who smiling is happy.. as smiles cannot be bought but it lasting.

    1. totally agree. one could hide thousands behind that smile :(

  4. im so scared of aging, im scared of living life on my own and not being in my parents' arms anymore TT Now that I'm leaving to continue my studies, I started to count the blessings I have, and how the people around me are so lovable.

    1. aww don't be :) may everything goes well for you, may you can adapt to the new surrounding soon and hope you'll be happy there just as how you are now

  5. As the time past by, happiness seemed to hide itself and we tried the best to find it.. :/

    1. ohmaigod you truly speak my mind, it's actually what I've been trying to tell in this post but couldn't seem to find the right word :/

  6. this is so true.
    happiness is subjective. :)

  7. nowdays money can buy happiness. but to me happiness is expensive :)
