Treat Them Like A Baby

by - January 14, 2017

There was an incident when I was a child, playing around with my brother and then suddenly an angry cat came and attacked my brother. He was literally on his back on the ground and the cat was clawing on him and I thought he could die from the attack.

I believed that I also was attacked by a cat before, as my parents told me on how I got the scar on my cheek. I can't remember the attack though. To these incidents, I hated cats and as my dad hates them too, my hatred toward this creature only grew stronger. Forgive me but I used to kick or jerkah stray cats to scare them off. That was awful.

Now that I grew older and often visit my uncle who has five cats, I started to love them too. These cats are so cute I can't help but to treat them like a baby, calling them 'sayang' and singing lullaby to them sometimes. 

Do you know that cats show their appreciation to their owner by giving 'present' to them? That's what happened to my uncle. One of his cats happily shoving a dead lizard to him, wanting a pat on the head and another give him a dead rat. It was cute and hilarious at the same time as my uncle ran around the house to avoid the rat but his cat wouldn't stop chasing him until he finally stopped to 'receive' the 'present'.

People please, even if you hate cats, don't treat them badly as they are fellow creature living with us in this world. It hurts me when I saw people simply hurt cats without any guilt, especially to stray cats in restaurants. There's even tons of reports about people poisoning these innocent cats. Just remember that everything you did would get back to you. I reflect on my behavior a lot whenever I see such cruelty.

Treat Them Like A Baby Cat


Till then,

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  1. I used to be scared of them when I was a kid.. Couldn't remember why but there might be something happened since I was totally fine with them till one day, I just avoid them and shouted whenever they came closer.. But it was temporary and now, I just couldn't resist to care for them, even for stray cats.. Just loving them more and more..

    1. It's okay to be scared of them as long as you don't do anything bad to them. Try loving them, they're too cute to be scared of ;)

  2. I'm not hated them but I'm so scared . howw ? :(

    1. Unfortunately cats love being with the people who are scared of them. It's like they're teasing you XD

      But hey, there's nothing to be scared of Farah :)

  3. I love cat to. and fond of them from the moment I step into this world. hehe.

  4. cats are the most adorable animal!
    i've experienced receiving the 'present' too, our cat took a small dead rat to my bed and put it near my leg in the midnight, luckily im not sleeping yet T^T

    1. that's adorable, BV! I bet it scared the hell out of you 'cause that's what happened to my uncle XD

  5. NO! That's not adorable. T_T

  6. OMG CAT IS LIFE!! I'm glad you like 'em now :) About the 'present' thing, my cat once brought me a dead bird, some frogs and cockroaches eeeewww hahaha anyway, they didn't do that to show their appreciation, its actually because they thought we are so bad at hunting "food" hence they hunt for us instead so that we don't starve. I've read 'bout it somewhere

    1. oh i didn't know bout that hunting food part, i just know that it's how they show appreciation, well at least that's what I heard from a friend haha.

  7. Hahahah yes yes yes.. treat them like a baby.. As you know, I'm writing about my thoughts of cats here >>

    Nice blog Lya Amie :)

    1. they're adorable, they should be love as a baby indeed :)
