Dear Parents, Phones Away, Please ?

by - November 27, 2016

I went to Secret Recipe earlier today to eat tom yum noodle as I love theirs the most. I can understand for future moms to have certain food they craved for but why the hell am I having constant cravings too? Dear stomach, you're not pregnant! Settled down at a table near the window, I browsed through the menu, not that I'll order something else but it's just a must do, just in case I want some side dishes. 

"One tom yum noodle and chocolate blended please," I finally made my order as I could sense the not-so-friendly waitress was annoyed having to wait for me.

Did I ever tell you that I don't really like kids, especially the noisy and whiny kinds. Thought I could enjoy my meal in peace but there goes my luck, a group of noisy kids, three of them, presumably siblings were all over the place. I mean, one keep running from the door to the back while sometime hitting my table and the other two were bickering, literally shouting at each other. 

Annoyed, I searched for the parents, and there they were, both were glued to their phones, fingers moving vigorously, tapping the screen. The mother did warn the kids a couple of time like, "kakak, duduk diam-diam" but with her eyes STILL GLUED TO THE PHONE while the father didn't bother to do anything. Excuse me parents, is it so important for you scrolling your Facebook timeline rather that to get your kids to behave? You know, you're not at your home.

The boy keep asking the parents random questions, typical kids, but no attention were given to him so that's why he ran around instead. I don't have kids so I might not know the responsibility of a parent but I am a child myself. Even though I'm a grown up but I still want my parents attention, apatah lagi that parents' kids yang rasanya belum masuk sekolah pon lagi. 

I witnessed this incident for almost everywhere. Even though they are parents, they still can't ditch their Instagram feed, and tweet at every single thing happened. Oh, here's and idea for a tweet, 

"I didn't care that my kids were disturbing other people while I'm on twitter because this blue bird thing in this tiny device is more important," sheesh!
Please parents, put away your phones for mere seconds and pay attention to your kids instead.

Till then,

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  1. I don't know how to say it but that kind of parents totally pissed me off. How can they easily let their children running away & the kids even possibly to break things or even disturb other people. All they say is "duduk diam2" "behave lah" but no action is taken. Typical malaysian betullah

    1. Kan! Geram rasa nak ambik je phone tu and jerit kat diorang "take care of your kids lah!"

  2. That's a shame. Haven't seen any here in Houston so far, I noticed that people do not rely too much on phones when with their family or kids. And most of the kids are well behave and it's pleasant to see :)

    1. that's good to hear. but here in malaysia the incident i stated above is a common view

  3. Setuju sgt! Tak suka tgk parents yg jenis berkepit dengan phone je 24/7

    1. betul tu mayy. harap dijauhkan perangai mcm ni bila ada anak nanti
