Wedding Invitation

by - November 29, 2016

I've received so many wedding invitations from my friends for the past years. Some of them even got married when they were nineteen (too young for me). Though sometimes I did feel jealous and all but I sincerely am happy for them. Plus, wedding means reunion so I was glad to attend weddings to have that catch-up session with old friends. You know you won't be able to meet these friends until the next friend's wedding. That's why I always make sure to attend my friend's wedding no matter how far the venue is.

To talk about wedding invitation, I love to receive a card for the invitation. One of my friend even crossed the ocean to hand me the card herself (I'm not exaggerating, she lived in an island). I don't really care for how the design of the card but the effort to send me one that counts. It made me feel like we're true friends and I appreciated it.

Apart from the card, a personal text message (read : WhatsApp) also made me feel the same. Since we have technology now, I understand that it's convenience to send text message for an invitation as sending out cards would be troublesome and costing money. For example, one of my friend edited my name to be on the card and texted me the image for invitation to her wedding. This small act was enough to make me feel grateful. 

When I said text message, I mean the personal one. I'm not taking the invitation seriously if it was sent to a group chat and stuff, especially Facebook event. One of my friend, unfortunately did this. I questioned this kind of invitation each time, like I think you weren't sincere to invite me to your wedding, right? 

I'm sure not all of your Facebook friends whom you invited using the event were ACTUALLY your friends. Majority didn't even know you yet you created the event to invite them to the wedding, including me, your ACTUAL REAL friend. Maybe I'm just childish but not feeling special to be invited using the same method of your virtual friends made think twice to go to the wedding and eventually, I decided to not go.

Don't Facebook event for wedding invitation pissed you off? (lain orang, lain cita rasanya so it's okay if you don't agree with me ;))

Till then,

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  1. Ingatkan awak nak kahwin tadi :D

    For me, kalau kwan tak rapat sangat, then okay je if nak invite via FB. Tapi kalau kawan rapat or kita pernah rapat, akan terasa lah jugak if tak de proper invitation. Well u know, wedding is a big event in everyone life kan. So mestilah terasa.

    Masa siqah kahwin dulu, siqah ada invite via FB jugak. Walaupun ramai kawan ( yang tak berapa kenal ), siqah hanya jemput kWan yang siqah kenal saja. Dan mana yang rapat tu, siqah personal msg dorang mintak alamat.

    Membantu jugak invitation FB ni nanye :)

    1. Lya takde lah not completely agree on FB event for invitation but yeah, untuk yang kurang kenal, it's okay lah. tapi kalau we've been friends for forever tu sakit hati rasa kalau dijemput pakai FB event je. Even PM kat FB pon I'd appreciate.

  2. Nice entry. Helps me to think rationally :D

    I don't think this will suit my age to give my opinion. But I still will. I'm just as you. I would prefer proper personal invitation than open invitation. Even if the invitation was made through WhatsApp as stated, at least, we'll still felt appreciated. It's not like open invitaiton aren't good. But, this will let us wonder. 'Was the invitation include me?' Well, we have tons of friends in web. They might or might not notice and include us. So, as for me, I won't go to any open invitation too. Unless the person did mention me :)

    1. 'Was the invitation include me?' was what I've been trying to say! Sep sikit hehe. Agree with you, for a close friend yang invite using FB event ni, I won't go.

  3. ye..setuju...
    tp maybe y jauh or x last minute baru teringat nak invite oklah kot via FB..
    tapi melalui card lg awesome kan...

    1. Betul tu. Bukan senang nak dapat jemputan dlm bentuk kad sekarang ni.

  4. I think fb is too public for this kind of event. It looks like a joke, you know. I don't mind whatsapp tho

    1. Yes, that's why it upsets me if a close friend invite me to her wedding using FB event.

  5. Hahahahahahaha engko nanti aku nak kad hanta dtg dpan umah aku 😂😂 - jieha nasir (aku malas nak sign in 😜)
