Journaling The Year Through My T Planner

by - January 08, 2020

I'm welcoming the 'New Year New Me' motto by buying a new planner for the year....typical, I knowww. Teme Abdullah has always inspired me through his books, especially because he's an architect too. I was too lazy to design on a blank planner and somehow being Teme's follower on Instagram and Twitter intrigued me into buying his T Planner, a planner he designed.

I initially didn't think much when I purchased the planner but a few days before 2019 ended, I got inspired to plan for 2020 and I can't wait to receive it. The planner was supposed to be delivered before 2020 but mine was with the second batch that was held quite a while and just got delivered much later. I got mine today to be exact, but I was thrilled nonetheless!

Look how classy the brown artificial skin hardcover was.

The first two pages that indicated the ownership of the planner. The exclusivity of the ownership pages made me want to bring it to anywhere I will go.

The 'boxes of life' and 'me in 10 years' pages made reminiscence of my past and feared of my future. I definitely don't want to waste the time I have left in this world but at the same time, don't really have the idea of how I want to spend it.

I've written so much on this '2020 goals' page, hope I could achieve all of 'em!

It's the first time I see a 'mood tracker' page in a planner which made me impressed with Teme, of how he could think of designing this section. I hope my 'mood tracker' page would fill with yellow colour, which indicates a happy mood.

The 'financial tracker' page which scares me the most, tehee.

I use this whole year section to slash on the days that went by.

The yearly planner page which I don't have the idea on what to fill yet.

And finally, the monthly planner. I'm showing February because I've jotted notes in January which was P&C, tehee. In the monthly planner, there are pages of the whole month, highlights of the month, weekly planner, and the financial tracker of the month with more empty pages compared to the earlier financial tracker.

I guess since Teme is an artist, he figured to design a free space for free sketching. I love how he made one side with bullets while another completely blank. This could call out the creativity in me, hopefully.

This T Planner is so satisfying, right? Unfortunately, Teme only publishes the planner in a certain amount, with this second edition, came out in a total of 22,222 copies and available only by pre-order last October 2019. I love how the planner was handwritten, it made the planner so much more special. Let's see if I would be in love enough with this T Planner to buy the third edition next year. 

Have you buy/design your own planner?

Till then,

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  1. already bought it but i still finding good time to play around with it T_T

    1. I tend to make time to spend on exploring new things I bought. In exchange, I procrastinate some more important task tehee. Not a good habit!

  2. i have too many planner already so i didn't buy any this year. i just don't have the will to jot anything. sigh

    1. I tend to only jot down not even half way of the year but I'll buy a new planner each year nonetheless, haha

  3. bought it too, but bcs it is too pretty, I find it difficult to fill it up

    1. IKR! Debating on wanting to write on it tehee

  4. Decided not to keep any planner but right now, I am debating but... I know it would be abandoned real soon! So yeah, no planner for me.

    1. I bought it though knowing I would abandon it nonetheless haha

  5. I bought a planner also, bru first time beli.
    Tapi tktahu nk isi apa seyh haha..
    Bought it because it was pretty and Typo tgh ada discount

    1. I bought planner also because it's pretty and most of the time I would have a hard time on wanting to write on it!

  6. aaa lawanyaa, esp the red cover!

    1. Memang lawa! Sayang nak conteng hehe

  7. Your hand writing is pretty! I wish I can like that too. I try calligraphy but never end well and I give up hahaha I did bullet journal last time but it only lasted for two days and everything felt like a chores. So I give up also. But I did some travel journal in my book and I love it. I need to keep a planner again, maybe I can find love in it again :D

    1. Oh no, it's not my handwriting but it's the author's, Teme Abdullah. I failed at bullet journaling too hence I just buy one XD

  8. omg bestnyeeee. ray nak jugakkk

    1. it only open for pre order once a year, so mark your calendar for next year!

  9. kite jeles tol orang2 kretip ni.. rajin buat journal and cantik pulak tu..
    me.. hehe i cannot la because im not consistent..

    1. I'm not rajin too, I just bought this planner. Betul, jealous dengan orang rajin dan kreatif hehe

  10. planner ni memang sangat cantik dan unik.. dekat kedai pun memang tak dapat ^^

    1. Betul, dan hanya buka pre order for few days je!
