Scratch Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)

by - May 12, 2019

DAY 4 (21st April 2019 - Sunday)
Everland Theme Park
As an avid fan of extreme rides, I was most excited for Day 4 because it was the day we spent our day at Everland Theme Park. I had a great experience buying the tickets online from Trazy since the process was very easy and the instructions were very clear. Anyway, Everland Theme Park was incredible and I loved the T-Express, which was the longest roller coaster in the theme park, I still regretted not riding it twice since my brother insisted that we shouldn't. The theme park was so huge we didn't manage to explore everything but it was great nonetheless.

To Everland Theme Park from Itaewon;
Itaewon Station --> Bonghwa (Seoul Medical Centre)) Station --> Yaksu Station --> Ogeum Station (LINE 3) --> Seoul National Univ. Station --> Seongsu Station (LINE 2) --> Gangnam Station.
From Gangnam Station, Exit 10 and walk straight to the bus stop located at opposite SPAO and near Giordano. Ride bus no 5002. Bas would stop at the shuttle bus stop to Everland. Ride the shuttle bus.

Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)

DAY 5 (22nd April 2019 - Monday)
I felt extremely sad on Day 5 since it's the day we went back to Busan, I really think that we didn't get enough time to spend in Seoul, there are so many places we didn't go. We left the hostel around 8.00am and went to Seoul Station to store our luggage as we would be back to the Station to ride the Mugunghwa Train to go back to Busan that night.

Seodaemun Prison History Museum
Anyway, since we decided to postpone our visit to the Soedaemun Prison History Museum the other day, we went to the museum after we stored our luggage at Seoul Station. But sadly the museum was closed on Monday. Actually, most attractions especially the palaces here in Seoul would be closed on Monday and Tuesday so plan your trip well! I guess since we couldn't get in the museum, a memorable photo in front of it would be enough, tsk.

To Seodaemun Prison History Museum from Seoul Station;
Seoul Station --> Jongno Sam-ga Station (LINE 3) --> Dongnimmun Station. Exit the station and follow the signboard to the museum.

Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)

Namsan Tower
After we spent a few minutes relaxing at the park by the museum, we head to Namsan Tower. It's as if you didn't go to Seoul if you didn't visit Namsan Tower. Basically, Namsan Tower was just like Bukit Bendera in Penang but bigger. I loved how the cold weather made the breathtaking view worth enjoying.

To Namsan Tower from Dongnimmun Station;
Dongnimmun Station --> Chungmuro Station (LINE 4) --> Myeongdong Station. Exit 3, you’ll be able to locate 7-11 convenient store in front of you. Go straight and keep walking until you reach Namsan Cable Car Station)

Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)

Namdaemun Market & Gwanghwamun Square
We then head to Namdaemun Market to shop for souvenirs for people back at home. Namdaemun Market was as typical as markets in Malaysia such as Petaling Street and Gerbang Malam but much bigger. After we satisfied with our purchases, we went to Gwanghwamun Square to see the King Sejong Statue, the most famous statue located at the centre of the city. Here in Gwanghwamun Square, you could rent the traditional clothes of Korean for free! Since both my brother and I were a fan of museums, we went to the nearest museum at Gwanghwamun Square, which was the National Musem Of Korean Contemporary History and gladly the admission was free too! We then went back to Seoul Station and rode the Mugunghwa Train to Busan.

To Namdaemun Market from Myeong-dong Station;
From Myeongdong Station (Line 4)--> Hoehyeon Station

To Gwanghwamun Square from Namdaemun Market;
From Hoehyeon Station --> Dongdaemun History Culture Park (LINE 5) --> Gwanghwamun Station

Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)

DAY 6 (23rd April 2019 - Tuesday)
Gamcheon Cultural Village
We arrived Busan around 3.30am and store our luggage in the locker while waiting for our hostel's check-in time. We went to Gamcheon Cultural Village, a must visit place if you're in Busan. It's a colourful village with cute places to visit. The village was huge, using the map from the information centre was helpful. The map also got a stamp area where you could collect stamps from places stated on the map and redeem cute postcards from it.

To Gamcheon Cultural Village from Busan Station;
From Busan Station, take the subway to Toseong Station. Take Exit 6, turn right then walk to a bus stop in front of Pusan National University Hospital (Busan Medical Centre). Take bus No. 2 or 2-2.

Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)

Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) Square
After almost 5 hours spent exploring Gamcheon Cultural Village, we went lunch and headed to check-in our hostel in My Nampo Hostel. We took ample time to get enough rest and then took a walk to BIFF Square which located just 5 minutes from the hostel. BIFF Square basically was like Myeong-dong Street but with retails for shops. I remembered having a heavy heart around that time since it'll be our final night in South Korea. Our flight the next day was at 10.30am in the morning so we headed straight to the airport after check-out. We redeemed our changes from the T-Money at 7-11 store at the international airport before went for check-in.

To BIFF Square from Gamcheon Cultural Village;
Take bus No. 1 or 1-1 back to Toseong Station, then ride the subway to Jagalchi Station. Around 10 minutes to My Nampo Hostel and then 5 Minutes to BIFF Square.

To Gimhae International Airport from Jagalchi Station;
Jagalchi Station --> Busan Station. Take Busan-Gimhae LRT to Gimhae Internationa Airport.

Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)
Scratched Off My Bucket List; Trip to Busan - Seoul (Part 2)

I missed South Korea (SK) so much while writing this. I loved the weather, I loved the people, I loved the place of attractions, I loved the theme park! I'm not the type to travel twice to the place I've been to but SK deserves another trip. This trip was exhausting and cramped, so if I got the chance to visit SK again, hope it'll be a more relaxing trip.

Also, please give me a pat on the back for my effort to edit these photos. I'm not the type to edit photos I took before upload them to the blog but this time I did it. I edit the photos using Adobe Lightroom, my favourite tool for editing photos, so far. Hope they came out good! 

Till then,

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  1. yayyy im so happy for you. this reminds me back in the days when i was there for my first ever trip to Korea. I can still feel that excitement inside me every time people mentions KOREA.

    1. I know right! It hasn't been that long since I left Korea but I missed the trip so much already.

    2. now i wished to go back there again. sobs

    3. Totally would worth it!

  2. Busan is in my next lst place to visit in Korea. The photos are gorgeous!

    1. Yeah of all the places I've gone to, I loved Changdeokgung Palace in Seoul and Gamcheon Cultural Village in Busan the most!

  3. The photos really came out good!!! I was ready to eliminate SK from my list due to many bad review I found :') but man, every trips — every travellers would experience different memories!

    1. Thank you! I was afraid that the photos only look good in my eyes hahah. But I have so much to improve.
      I never encounter any bad reviews about SK and since I've been there myself, SK really is a must visit place if you're a traveller!
