This Week's Movies

by - September 03, 2018

Sometimes I hate myself for spending too much money to watch movies at the cinema but watching movies at the cinema now became a weekly habit. I just couldn't wait for its online releases so yeah, RIP my money.

Munafik 2
I actually regretted not watching the first movie of Munafik at the cinema as it was so so good. So I had planned ahead to watch the second movie at the cinema. The plot is actually very simple just like the first movie, tells the story of the regular routine of Ustaz Adam helping people in need, in this case, Sakinah, who's family being harassed by Abuja who used black magic on her. I personally thought that the first movie was better, almost at perfection but this second movie got like loopholes in some scenes. As for the cast, I especially loved Nasir Bilal Khan in this second movie as his portrayal of the villain character, Abuja, exceeded my expectation.

My rating 7/10

Along With The Gods: The Last 49 Days
Welp, this movie automatically became one of my favourite series the moment I watched the first movie. As I mentioned in my review for the first movie, I was quite disappointed as there won't be Cha Tae Hyun in the next series anymore but it's a relieved that the second movie was as good as the first one even without him as the main character. I initially thought that The Last 49 Days would tell the story of Kim Sa Hong's trial but instead, it's more to the story of the past life of the three guardians. But beware yourself because just like the first movie, the plot twist in this second movie also was a tear-jerker moment. I was impressed by how they could think of it. There's also more humor in this movie, they were refreshing and very funny, the whole audience enjoyed it. My favourite character for this movie was none other than the cheeky Haewonmak. The overall movie was quite slow but it's still good nonetheless.

My rating 9/10

Tomorrow I Will Date With Yesterday's You
I haven't watched a Japanese movie or drama for a long time now. I saw a thread about this movie on Twitter and the review from others about it were all great so I thought why not give it a shot since I'm in the mood to watch a romance movie. The first thing that caught my eyes was the beauty of the heroin, too cute to handle. The plot was quite heartbreaking because it tells a story of the love between two people from two different worlds which made it impossible for them to be together. It's a light romance movie but full of tear-jerker moments. Prepare your tissue for this movie!

My rating 8/10

Till then,

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  1. Banyak fixback Munafik 2 yang Mrs. A kata best macam nak tengok jugak nanti hehehe...

    1. Yeap memang best but ada la jugak kekurangan here and there tapi still worth to watch!

  2. There's a lot of mixed reviews for Munafik on Twitter that makes me really want to watch it until I realise my weakself could never watch horror movie sebab nightmare lol

    1. Yeah, mixed review and to me it's in between haha. c'mon go watch it!

  3. tak tengok lagi Along With The Gods 2 tapi review kebanyakannya positif!

    1. Memang best citer tu, very recommended!

  4. I also love watching movies in cinema and I keep wasting money but I can't help it bcs I love it. I haven't watch Munafik 2 and Along With The Gods 2, but I am going to watch it later. :)

    1. Right! I just can't help it coz I love watching movies at the cinema

  5. Moi pernah tengok Munafik 1 je, yang kedua tak plan lagi nak tengok ke tak hehe
