My Movie Marathon

by - August 05, 2018

There. I wrote nothing in July, good job dear self. There was this one time that a man approached me to talk about his business and he tried to persuade me to join him. He said that having our working day routine honestly is quite boring and why not venture into something as a hobby cum part-time job that generates extra income which to him was the business he talked about. I immediately remembered this passion of mine, this part-time job I love to do (though it didn't generate that much of an income but it's what I love to do), this blog I abandoned more than a month now so here I am, running my fingers on this keyboard again tehee.

Anyway, the more than a month that I was missing in the blogosphere, I was on my laptop all the time or in the cinema or sitting in front of the tv at home to watch shows and movies. I was shocked at how quickly I adapted myself to be a movie freak. So here are a few movies I've watched that I'd like to give a review about.

1. All The Money In The World
The moment I saw the trailer I was eagerly waiting for it to be released but somehow I didn't get to watch it at the cinema. The movie was based on a true story of J.Paul Getty, once the world's richest man refused to give a penny to his grandson's kidnapper though he loved him. It's a crime thriller movie and every scene was intense I couldn't sit still while watching the movie. I especially love the grandson's character portrayed by Charlie Plummer and his relationship with his kidnapper (I can't remember the name) who grew fond of him. Things just got complicated when the kidnapper decided to sell him off after he failed to get the money from the rich Getty.

My rating: 8/10

2. Be with you
It was that time again when I wanted to watch a romance movie and I stumbled upon Be With You. I love both So Ji Sub and Son Ye Jin as the lead characters so I was excited about the movie. The movie was about a loving family consists of the husband, the wife, and their son. The wife who died came back alive temporarily while it was the rainy season but she had no memories of when she was alive so there were throwback scenes of when they were younger throughout the movie. The plot twist at the end of the movie sure made me cried a river.

My rating: 7/10

3. Little Forest
Since I'm enjoying watching the actress Kim Tae Ri in Mr.Sunshine, I googled her and found this movie she was in. Since Ryu Jun Yeol was in it too, I decided that it'll be a good movie and it was indeed a very nice movie. The movie was a remake from the Japan movie with the same title. The movie was about a girl who was tired of her life in the city and returned to her hometown in the countryside. There was no heavy conflict in the movie, it just showed the daily routine of the girl cooking and enjoying her life with her friends in her hometown. To some who didn't like a no conflict movie, this one might bore you but to me, it was a perfect movie to ease the mind.

My rating: 9/10

4. Mission Impossible: Fallout
It's another sequel to the Mission Impossible series and nothing special about it as the 'master' who gave the mission remain a mystery. But the action stunt in this movie was on another level and every scene was scenic. I also love how the movie showed that after all this while, Ethan's love for his ex-wife, Julia never died. It was also heartbreaking to see their reunion that made Ethan felt sorry all over again. Anyway, the kiss scene between Ethan and the dealer was awkward and unnecessary. It should've been a kiss scene between Ethan and Ilsa instead.

My Rating: 8/10

5. Pulang
Our movie industry is improving a lot with so many good movies that of an international level like Polis Evo, Munafik, J Revolusi, Interchange and many more. Though there are local movies that are worth to watch, I never watch any of them at the cinema. It was the time that I got bored and wanted to watch a movie at the cinema but there was no other movie to watch except Pulang and I'm glad I watched it. The movie was inspired by a true story of Othman who wanted to change his family's future by going on the ship to be a sailor but he never returned home. The cinematography was mesmerizing and the storyline was arranged perfectly. The acting was on another level and I personally loved Puteri Aishah's acting as Che Tom. Throughout the movie, viewers were so frustrated as to why Othman didn't go back home after all those years but the reason was revealed at the end of the movie and it was a tear-jerker moment. Overall, the movie was so good.

My rating: 9/10

6. Padmavaat
It's been so long since I last watched an Indian/Hindustan movie. I loved such movies so much when I was a child when it was the era of actors such as Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and Hrithik Roshan. The moment the trailer of this movies was out, I wanted to watch it so bad but then it was banned in Malaysia because of the sensitive issue with Islam as an evil Muslim Sultan of Delhi portrayed as the antagonist character. The movie was about Padmavati, a Rajput queen known for her beauty. She was the second wife of King Ratan Singh. Once her beauty was heard by the Sultan of Delhi, Sultan Alauddin Khilji, he attacked her kingdom to claim her. Overall the movie was good and I love the dialogue between the characters so much.

My rating: 8/10

I watched many more movies actually in a month time but these on the list were the top six that I loved. Have you watched any of these movies yet? Now suggest me your favourite movies since I'm still in the mood of a movie freak tehee.

Till then,

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  1. i am a movie geek myself. tengok movie boleh dikatakan setiap hari & I write reviews too. Boeh baca kat sini..

    I saw All The Money In The World last year and it was one on my fav movies of 2017.

    1. I pun belum pernah jumpa lagi anyone yang tak suka tengok movie hehe. Movie is a kind of therapy to escape reality for a moment bagi pada yang kurang suka membaca buku/novel hehe

  2. I have not watch any of those movies but there are some on my list but I'm not in the mood of going to the cinemas alone.. Q_Q

    1. Ahaha yea we need that mood to go to the cinema alone. Anyway, you could watch them online if you could wait for their online release ;)

  3. I have not yet watch any movie you have listed but I'm intrigued to watch each of the movie. Each one of the movie looks very interesting to watch. Thank you for sharing :)

    Fatina Mudz

    1. I only do review for great movies so they are worth to watch if they're up to your preferred genre. Hope you'll love these movies too ;)
