My Journey | 2017

by - December 28, 2017

2017 new year

It feels like it was only yesterday that I turned the first page of January 2017 and now it all has passed by just in a blink of an eye. Ending 2017 in a few days, I realized that it was one hell of a ride, there were ups and downs into getting through the year. As typical as it could be, here is a post of my 2017 wrap up I want to share with you guys.

I started the year with a heartbreaking news of ending my 1 year and 3 months job as an assistant architect in Kangar because of the company wanted to cut down on staff and newly-est hired employee like me was the target. It surely wasn't easy to get a new job, I had to join SL1M program and was employed as an assistant architect in Kulim. Then I guess luck was on my side that after 3 months in Kulim, I got the offer to work in the government sector in Ipoh, my current job. It started off as an awkward experience but eventually I can adapt myself.

The blog had its ups and downs throughout the year too as I sometimes didn't update for months, breaking my promise to update the blog regularly. But rather than having the need to update while I'm not in the mood and produce a shitty post, I think it's better to not update at all as long as I don't abandon the blog. To do that, I finally changed my domain name to (dot)com, what I've wanted to do for a long time ago. By changing the domain name, I could tick off my bucket list, yay!

I went to a total of two job interviews, one interview for Master study and I passed Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik (PTD) online examination. I promised to write about my experiences but somehow they were delayed as my lazy ass fingers not wanting to write about them yet. I will do it in the near future, hoping to help you guys get a glimpse of how the interview would go if you were to attend it.

Social Life
I had no friends while I was in Kangar, it was a very lonely year I've been through. Then I got new friends from SL1M program and I love these guys, Anis, Jiha, Alia, Sham, Zul and Faruq. The moment I got the job in Ipoh, I didn't expect to reunite with my high school and uni friends, they are lovely, accompanying me for dinner from time to time. Also not to forget my new clique from work, we even went hiking and camping together, I seriously didn't expect us to be that close, though. I guess I'm not lonely anymore.

2017 was the second year I had to spend for duit Raya during Eid celebration. This time, I gave duit Raya to my parents too and I think it was the proudest moment I've had in my life. In February, my same age cousin got married. It felt surreal at that time, and I was quite jealous because he got married before me but now I can't wait for a nephew/niece. Dear cousin, please get pregnant!
Finally, it was heartbreaking to receive the news that my grandpa was sick, he got a stroke and currently can't speak or move properly. My grandpa was healthy, never had any sickness so the news surely was unexpected. My parents went back to Terengganu to visit him, and they said grandpa was getting better. Hopefully, he'll get well soon, and I can't wait to visit him. Please pray for my grandpa's health guys.

Love Life
Guess I don't need it.

Of course there were a lot more happened in 2017 but I'll just stop here. Some ended the year with a happy vibe and some with a broken heart. Despite whatever you're having in these few days, hopefully 2018 will be a better year for you, for us all!

So how was your 2017?

Till then,

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  1. Hi Lya :)
    I've been hopping from one blog to another, reading others' 2017 wrap ups.
    Its nice to read yours as well.
    May you have a wonderful ending for this year and all the best for 2018!

    1. It's the time of the year again to read others yearly wrap up and I love these kind of posts too. Thanks for the kind wishes, hopefully 2018 will be better for you too

  2. I hope your grandpa gets well and at least able to speak again.. And it's good to know you're not lonely anymore..! And let's just hope better things will be a blast for 2018... :3

    1. Thank you for the warm words. Let's hope 2018 would be much better for us both~

  3. hoping your grandpa will gets well soon.
    congrats for your blog and works!
    hope your 2018 full of happiness :D

    1. Thank you. Hope everything woll go well for you too BV :)

  4. Hope your grandpa's health will be improving soon.


    Hope you'll have a great year! :)

    1. Thank you and may you'll have great year ahead too

  5. Dear lya, have a blissful new year and I pray you'll found your mr right sooner. :D

    1. Ahaha that last wish crack me up. Hopefully I will! Thanks eyqa :)

  6. cepat lah isi love life tuu kau dah doploh lima kot hahaahhaha
