What Scares Me The Most

by - December 14, 2016

When I had my trainee days two years ago, I rented a room in a house. There were two other girls, my housemates at that time, but they didn't stay long as they were ending their semester. So practically I lived in the house alone.

I rented the master bedroom, with a private bathroom. It was unoccupied for a long time so it was so dusty and all, I had to clean it for two days for it to be livable. The bathroom was okay, fortunately. No greeny wall and stuff but damn cockroaches would magically appeared at night, suggestively they came from the floor trap and maybe they hated the dark? I mean that much explained why they only appeared at night, since the underground was dark and I switched on the light of the bathroom.

Well, I wasn't afraid of cockroaches so I just killed them using my bare hand, okay that's exaggerating, I used tissue. Can you believe it? While everyone would kill them by slamming slippers or brooms or books on them but I just used my hand with only a piece of tissue separating my skin and the cockroaches. That was badass of me. Was.

Then there came one night when my friend, Yaya accompanied me so I decided to switch off the light in the bathroom, to sleep with complete darkness. It was okay until I felt something creeping on my body and guess what? Yeap, a cockroach. Yaya turned on the light and we found that many, MANY cockroaches in the room! Hell, I can't remember how loud we screamed at that sight. 

We basically was in a war with those freaking cockroaches, with brooms in our hands each, trying to kill those creatures that invaded our room. And that moment was the first time I witnessed flying cockroachessss, trying to avoid death. How the hell didn't I know that COCKROACHES CAN FLY? 
I regretted I switched off the light. They should just stayed in the bathroom!

Thanks to the incident, I now have a phobia towards cockroaches. I can't kill them, too afraid they would fly onto my body. I'm terrified even to have a look at them, or even their photos.

There, cockroaches scare me the most. How about you?

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  1. I hate cockroaches too! Man i hate the flying the most. When i saw even just one them in the bathroom i would rather not do my business at all. On top of everything i have the same fobia as u which is cockroaches

    1. Me too! I can't even enter the bathroom if there's cockroach in there. high five for hating cockroaches! haha

  2. Somehow this entry made my day!XD
    Seriously, you've never met any flying cockroach before? But my salutation to you when you could just kill them with bare hands as I'm not brave enough to just slam it by hands or slipper but normally I just make a soap water to splash on their body or the easiest method, just grab the ridsect..

    1. not until I witnessed them flyy escaping my broom that night. haha. i didn't know such technique exist! but I was brave back then.

  3. MY GOSHHH GELINYAAA. Takdela takut lipas tapi more to geli actually haha lg lg dia terbang srs cari pasal��

    I have a lot of phobic act:'). Height, darkness and also fog!! Haha

    1. back then lya pon just geli but now more of takut. haih
      phobia of fog macam rare, belum pernah jumpa lagi haha

  4. I hate cockroaches the most, especially the flying cockroach! Pernah dulu mak claudy suruh buang lipas dah mati, claudy siap pakai tisu but then dah pegang tetiba bergerak, jerit macam nampak hantu. dgn adik2 claudy sekali ikut jerit lol xD my mom pun benci lipas. kalau jumpa 1 lipas je pun, she'll grab the ridsect and spray sampai setengah botol dia guna xD

    1. omg that's scaryy pegang lipas bergerak! your mum sama dgn my mum haha XD

    2. Kan! ingat mati dah sebab langsung tak gerak XD really? spray lipas tu selagi dia masih bergerak kan xD

    3. haah thats why we have lots of spray kat rumah, precaution for cockroaches haha

  5. lipas memang ada yang boleh terbang kan. saya pun tak gemar juga serangga ni. salam kenal sis

  6. Hai Alia. for me lipas and kucing is scares me the most. ohh also you lah. =DD. Aduu bosannn. Aku akan pastikan aku top commentators blog kau.! kauu kena publish semuaaaa komenn akuuuuuuu!!!

    1. tahniah berjaya jd top commentator hukhuk
