Loving The Eyes

by - December 15, 2016

Just so you know, I rabun actually. Both my eyes power are 250 and I think it's quite high. I first discovered that I'm short sighted was during my study days, you can read it here (kisah si mata). But I really really hate wearing glasses. I think a first timer can relate to this, our tudung wouldn't 'jadi' when we wear glasses, well I think I look hideous with spectacles on. That's why I love wearing contact lenses. 

But it just recently that I fell in love in colourful lenses. And I want to brag to you about my latest collections. I bought these two pairs online at qaylaa_lens Instagram. It was during promotion that they cost only RM40 for two pairs include postage, so cheap!

Loving The Eyes

The brown colour code : Winnie Brown. It has no rings and I love lenses with no rings!
The blue colour code : Premium Anna Blue 
Specification : 
certificate lenses
made in korea 100%
water content 52%
3 months disposal

Qaylaa_lenses was super efficient, it's my first time dealing with them actually and without a doubt I'll repeat order next time. As for the lenses, they're super comfy and easy to apply on.

Here's a look at the blue one I wore earlier today. Aren't they beautiful? Yeah I mean the lenses, not my eyes. Teehee.

Loving The Eyes

So for contact lenses lovers out there, I would recommend you to buy these lenses, they're gorgeous.

Till then,

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  1. its been a long time i am a contact lense user, now i am using glasses hee. but i do wear lenses when i have a special event.
    but how does the lenses feel when you wore them? is it comfortable and easy to wear?

    1. I can't not wear lenses when I'm outside, it would low my confidence. haha. yeah it's soft so it's super comfy and easy to apply on the eyes

  2. Serious ah sejak bila do kau pkai lens weh?? _- jieha bini hongki. Aku mlas nak sign up. ��

    1. memang pakaila but yang colourless. skrg baru pakai yang berwarna haha

  3. Suka tengok orang pakai lens tapi tak berani pakai .. ._.

    1. lya pon masa memula nak pakai ya Allah menangis mcm putus cinta
