My Worst Distractions

by - December 25, 2016

I have too many important things to do especially my freelance works but I'm honestly in a deep relationship with procrastination. In this entry, I want to share with you my reasons of procrastinating.


Be it K-drama, K-movie or even K-variety, I love everything Korean related entertainment so it is my worst distraction of all. I tend to prioritize the shows I missed rather than my actual works that needed to be done first. Once during my study days, I watched a K-drama non stop for three days so I was late for submission project and got my mark deducted. Regretted? Maybe. . .


What gamers wouldn't be distracted, especially if you're addicted to online gaming, right? Well, that's totally me. I may not am a pro gamer but I do play online games especially Blackshot. I loove shooting games. The worst thing is I own a Playstation at home so I would grab that game console whenever I feel distracted from my works.


I am one of those freaks who couldn't live without internet. It's bad, I know, but I couldn't help it. I'm on my phone for 24 hours if I have nothing to do. Just scrolling down my social medias and of course, my blogger reading list!


I can't say that I'm a bookworm as I'm not the type to read when I have free time (I would be on my phone or gaming instead) but I do love reading. I won't touch a book when I have works to do or I'll ended up not able to finish my works as I couldn't get my hands off the book when I started to read the first page. That's how devoted I am towards reading.

I really should learn to manage my time and restrain myself from any distractions before I finish my works. I will try...hopefully. 

What are your worst distractions?

Till then,

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  1. Internet, YES! My phone is major distraction for A-NY-THANGGG.. I love reading too, and daydreaming planning what to do or what to write but ended never doing or writing them

    1. damn, I forgot to include that daydreaming! haha. I can relate tho

  2. Guess what? You had listed everything for me! K-related, as I'm currently watching a drama, would scrolling the reading lists almost every hour, Games (well only IMVU) and books (only when I'm not on the net).. XD

    1. glad we're on the same team. let's fight these distractions of us okay!

  3. internet is the worst distraction ever. most of the time i got distracted because of it :(

    1. I totally agree. but hey, you're having SPM next year so you really should control that internet addiction!

  4. It would be my laptop lol (the source of everything I introduce you) >,< But I keep myself in check, more like forcing myself to prioritize certain thing because the pain afterward is no joke ._.

    1. I totally agree! I've been spoiled the day I got my laptop haha. Good for you to be able to force yourself!

  5. whoaaa we're the same. k-stuffs, books , internet and games. i'd prefer RPG tho.

  6. mine will be TV series. i have a long list of series and film to watch

  7. internet is just a damnation for me. omg, how you actually not regretting? you lost marks! bhahahahaha

    1. I know right! I can't believe me either
