My 2017 Bucket List

by - December 30, 2016

Time is running so fast that January 2016 felt like just last week. But nope, it was 11 months ago sheesh. Prior to my previous post of 'What Happened in 2016', I thought why not write a sequel to it, thus 'My 2017 Bucket List' came in mind. 


Who wouldn't want to go travelling, right? I'm sure to travel around the world is our shared dream. Since I started to earn money myself, I've been planning to go travelling at least once a year. I miss being on the plane, the last time was 2 years ago so I plan to go over the sea next year, maybe to Bali...or South Korea, hopefully.

Losing weight

Since two years in a row I thought of losing weight but typical unmotivated me failed to do so. I'm short and my current weight makes me listed in the overweight class and it's not cool. I should at least lost 10 kg to achieve my normal BMI. My cousin's transformation is another reason that I should lose weight and get that dream figure so dear self, let's kick it in 2017, okay?

Master Study

I finally made the decision to try my luck for Master study. I survived 4 years of degree life so how hard could it be for only another 2 years...right? Since it has been my dream to study abroad so I plan to apply for oversea universities, mainly in Australia. Wish me luck!

Play Guitar

As I mentioned in my post 'To Learn New Skills' before, to learn to play guitar made in one of the lists. I don't plan to learn professionally by attending classes but I just want to learn by myself, by watching video tutorials, during my free time. By then I can add one more hobby of mine. I wish I could at least smoothly play one full song by the end of the year. Oh wait, I'll need a guitar first *checks bank account

I hope to tick off all the lists above before ending 2017. Wish me luck!

What's your 2017 bucket list?

Till then,

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  1. Have a beautiful 2017 :)

  2. Hope your wishes would be granted..:3
    I'm aiming master in Australia too but oh well, gotta finish my diploma and degree first..

    1. Thank you for the wish :) hope to see you in Aussie teehee

  3. Losing weight!!! My bucket list too.

    All the best dear.

    1. Let's achieve our ideal weight together XD

  4. happy 2017, good luck too! :D

  5. same XD im planning to lose weight too as ive gained so much last year, hope u will achieve yr goals!

    1. let's strive to get our body goals together!

  6. Losing weight! Always be my bucket list every year :D Good luck untuk kita berdua :)

    Wish you good luck to in your master! Bestnya kalau ke Australia. Berjalan sambil belajar :)

  7. aku harap tu semua angan angan engko je HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
