Digital Diary & Dream Board

by - May 08, 2020

Digital Diary & Dream Board

Did you guys notice the changes in blogger setting? I just noticed it when I wanted to write this post. I'm still getting used to it but I love the changes, looks more professional and minimalist. Anyway, it's been less than a week I got my complete set of iPad and Apple Pencil so I'm still in the phase of exploring it none stop, even neglecting my works, tehee. 

I've been watching iPad tips videos now, mostly on digital journaling, note-taking and drawing. So as typical as I could be, I made one too. I made a digital diary and my dream board for now. Along the process, I realized I love doing it, I love creating it. Also since it's something pleasing to my eyes, it made my heart full and satisfied with the product.

Digital Diary & Dream Board

Digital Diary & Dream Board

This is my dream board, basically my life bucket lists. I first created the background template on Procreate and uploaded it on Goodnotes 5 to compose the board. I love pastel pink and purple colour so I made the board from those colours. I actually redraw most of the stickers such as the map, iPhone, money, etc. It was a long process for a beginner like me but I love it! I set the board to be my iPad's wallpaper so whenever I look at the screen (which I always do), I'll be reminded of my dream so hopefully, I would strive to achieve them all, no matter how long it'll take. I also made a portrait one and made it as my phone's wallpaper.

Digital Diary & Dream Board
Here is my digital diary. Though it's a diary, it's nothing to hide so I'm sharing it here. I first made the background template, literally, only the lines and background of all the remaining months with different colours on Photoshop before uploaded it on Goodnotes 5 to compose the diary. I initially wanted to make April's diary to share with you guys but I gave up as I couldn't remember what I did each day, and I was lacking on photos for it so I did May instead and it's ongoing.

I love creating these so much and I hope you guys love it too. Share with me if you guys have similar creation, I love to learn from you!

Till next digital art,

p/s: These are inspired by:

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  1. saya punya blogger setting masih sama je. ke camane? hee

    1. Oh yeke, tak pasti la pula. Haha.

    2. ohh, kena update browser la ni. patut la sama je macam 10 tahun lalu. ahakss

    3. Looks like it! So kena update browser lah. Hehe.

  2. OMG, I just noticed the new changes done in Blogger writing setup! Truth to be told, I haven't been online much lately because of work so I must have missed out on some of the latest updates. It's so cuteeeee! And I really love your dream board designs! I can never get to be that creative. Hope to see more of your work soon! hehe

    1. I was shocked to find out the changes too. I'm still adjusting to it. Thank you,I hope I'll do more digital works to share too!

  3. Awesome you have dream board. Hopefully your dreams will come true.
    Blog walking here.
    My blogger dashboard is still the old one but it is fine to me because I have resisted to change.

    1. I wish you'll achieve your dreams too!
      I heard there's some that haven't had the changes in their blogger. It's weird actually, I thought everyone would have the same changes, at the same time. But it's okay, as long as we're comfortable and can continue writing!

  4. Welcome to ipad family! LOL
    Your wallpaper looks nice!

  5. Your dream board looks cute <3

    1. I'm glad you think so, thank you!

  6. my blog setting still the old one :(

  7. The new changes just blew my mind lol it's getting bigger and I kinda like it ehe.

    Hand-drawn stickers? I'm shook! It looks really pretty.

    1. Yeah, I like it because the spce to write became bigger!
      Yea I redraw everything. Thank you!

  8. Yes, actually this interface dah lama since last year kalau tak silap cuma ramai yang tak update browser or something like that, so ramai juga yang guna interface lama.

    It's really nice right? Easy to navigate around too.
    Anyway I like you dream board. The striking colours are the main point :)

    1. I see. So that's why some still didn't get the new interface, so we should update our browser la.
      Thank you, I'm glad you like it!

  9. bagusnyaaa. creative betul. i can never make one as pretty as that.
