Cooking During RMO

by - April 19, 2020

As I've mentioned in my 'What I Learned During RMO' post, I hate cooking. But as the only daughter in the family, I'm bound to help my mom cooks. Learning all the cookings from my mom, I can say that I'm pretty good at cooking but I never cook when I live alone. But since I live with my family during this RMO, I did cook, helping my mom. People are sharing their cookings on social media during this RMO so here are some foods that we cook;

Cooking During RMO
My mom is an expert at making dough for bread, pastry, etc. There this one time she made Roti Arab, pairing it with beef curry.

Cooking During RMO
 I'm an almost expert at baking chocolate cake since it's my favourite. The whole family love chocolate cake!

Cooking During RMO
There was this one time when we made pau. We made chocolate, coconut and red bean fillings. Actually, this was the photo before we steamed the pau.

Cooking During RMO
I googled and found that kuih onde-onde in English is called Klepon. 

Cooking During RMO
Most favourite: homemade pizza! It was two huge pizzas but we managed to finish eating them in one day only. 

Cooking During RMO
Some more bread, my favourite was cheese bread. 

Cooking During RMO
I love all sweets food so we made doughnut. 

Cooking During RMO
We never run out of ice-cream at home!

Cooking During RMO
Homemade burger was great too!

Obviously, there's a lot more that we made but didn't make it to the list, either because I forgot to take photos of 'em or I just chose not to include 'em in the list, hehee. We have more than a week to go, I believe there will be a lot more to cook.

What did you cook during this RMO?

To many more cookings,

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  1. This is illegal at this hour.......................all of them looks good! Crazy good! /brb crying/

    1. Haha sorry for making you drooling over the photos!

  2. OMG I miss pau! My sis made some ice cream yesterday and it was so sweet!

    1. Mine was too sweet too but that's what the recipe said and I don't mind at all XD

  3. rajinnyaaaa! sedap2 semua makanan tu T^T
    my sisters still planning nak buat ice cream sendiri, sooo harapnya jadi la. XD

    that burger and pizza look so good!!

    1. Ni rajin dalam keterpaksaan sebenarnya huhu

  4. semua sedap2! ada hikmah jugak sebenarnya, during RMO ni rajin masuk dapur untuk makan.. eh silap2, untuk masak xD

    saya pun selalu tgok resipi2 kat youtube nk blaja masak hehe

    1. Masuk dapur untuk makan tu lagi tepat sebenarnya haha

  5. oh my everything looks super good. homemade food will always be the best especially when you cooked with you family. i don't usually cook but i do have a lot of fun when cooking with my sisters. they're a better cook than i am haha. so i am practically there just to help. XD i'm dying to go home and missing them so much.

    1. Cooking with my mom also is fun........sometimes. Haha. Hope we'll be okay soon from the pandemic and you could go back to your family!

  6. wow so many scrumptious menus.. since ur mom mmg pandai buat roti semua tu memang menjadi la kan. kalooo akak hancus la haha..

    1. Tu la, resipi untuk dough roti pun dah dalam kepala my mom je haha

  7. What a fancy collection of food/meals :D
