Hey, December!

by - December 02, 2017

Time flies so fast I didn't realise that I've been away from the blogosphere for two months already. I didn't even write much in the past 6 months. I do felt horrible and missed blogging at times but I just don't have the mood to write though I have plenty posts in my draft. I've been quite busy with work and spent most of my time watching K-Dramas, the dramas kept coming I couldn't stop myself teehee.

Anyway, looking forward to a brighter blogging update from me, here's an update of what I've been up to for the past months I've been away.


New Look
Thank you if you noticed the changes I've made to my blog. I got this new template a few weeks ago. I've kept my previous template since forever that I've felt bored looking at it so I decided to change it. I love how neat this template, I hope you like it too.

Oh and yay me, to finally changed my domain name which I think sounds more professional than my previous one, right? I've had the idea to change my domain name since forever and it's one of my bucket list to change it before 2018 so here it is, I did it in December, finally! Phew. I'm too lazy to do a tutorial on how to change the domain name so hit Erin's entry for your reference.

I do have a stable job but that doesn't mean I won't stop looking for a better opportunity and gaining new experiences. Hence, I went to Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia (SPA) interview for a job position of an architect in Kementerian Kerja Raya (KKR) and fortunately, I also secured a second stage interview for Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik (PTD) which I have no idea when. Wish me luck for both, hoping I could get what's best for me. But I won't be disappointed if I didn't make it as I'm happy enough with my current job.

I've watched a few movies in cinema such as Justice League, Thor: Ragnarok, Kingsman: The Golden Circle and many more. Honestly for the past 6 months, I've spent most of my money by watching movies. Nope, not regretting it.

because this is my first life

The latest K-Drama I've watched was 'Because This Is My First Life' and god I'm so in love with Lee Min Ki, I've missed him so much and his comeback was worth the wait. The chemistry between the two leading role were perfect though there was awkwardness here and there but that's just how the characters were meant to be. I love the plot so much and the other couples were perfect too (still having a hard time getting over it).

I love 'Dusk Till Dawn' by Zayn Malik ft Sia the very first moment I heard in on the radio. It's very rare for me to immediately fall in love in English song the first time I heard it but this song is so good I couldn't stop replay it till today. Check it out on youtube(click) if you haven't heard the song yet.
I also currently set Bobby's album as my lullaby. I love the whole album, especially the song 'tendae'(click). It's the first time I hear him singing as he's actually a rapper. I actually didn't expect him to be good at singing, I love his manly, husky voice so much.

Didn't do any. Teehee.

I really hope with the new domain name and the new look I got for my blog, I wouldn't abandon this blog again and keeping back to the momentum I once had. Not that blogging became a pressure to me but solely because it is what makes me happy the most. Though I don't know what to write but I find by writing, I have the time of my life.

So, what have you guys been up to for the past months? Oh, I'll find out through your writings.

Till then,

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  1. i sure do love ur current template as well. been a reading a lot these few months and i definitely love dusk till dawn too. it's been playing in my head everyday.

    1. Thanks for loving my current template! Good for you that you did a lot of reading. I have the time to but I just didn't do it. Haha. Ikr! Dusk till dawn is so good, I can't stop listening to it.

    2. i hope u'll have a better year ahead.

  2. hai december. talking about jodoh, kita pun sama, i though thats jodoh tapi rupanya bodoh. uiii sabauu je laaa.

    1. hahah tergelak baca komen awak ni :D


    2. Haha, ikr. Sabau la tunggu jodoh turun dari langit hehe

  3. uwauuuuuu dah tukar domain. pehhh idolaaa ni

  4. All the best for the interview and welcome to the domain club..! XD

  5. Good luck with your job interview, and I've been craving for a romantic K-Dramas, maybe BTIMFL is a start. I've been ignoring K-Dramas like decade because I was too busy with stuff etc. And Lya your blog looks very neat and minimalist which I love to max and dear, welcome to domain club too. May all the positive vibes be with you.

    Visit me here : The Hundred Pages

    1. BTIMFL is a light romance drama which so nice if you don't want drama with too much conflicts. Thanks for loving my new template and welcoming me to domain club XD

  6. suka sangat sangat btimfl drama tuuu! ulang2 kali tengok,comel sgtt

    1. ikr! sweet sangat and sangat dekat dengan realiti

  7. BTIMFL is a drama people keep talking about, I realized. Haven't watch any episode of it yet. Currently watching Black, although only occasionally but seems like it is getting confusing.

    I always adore people who apply for PTD, it is like something that I feel I wanna do one time ago but maybe too late for me now. All the best!

    Keep on writing!


    1. I didn't watch black yet coz not in the mood to watch action drama hihi. But I heard it was good also.
      C'mon it'll never be too late to try something new :) thanks for the goodluck wish btw

      Of course I will keep writing, for you. Teehee.

  8. welcome December! wishing everyone had a great and best ending for 2017

    1. Yeah, wishing everyone to have a great december :)

  9. i love ur new template! and congrats for new domain!
    love to read ur life story, hehehe may ALLAH ease everything :)

    and i'll put that kdrama in my watching list :3

    1. Thats sweet for loving to read bout my personal life, I didn't think anyone would but I post it anyway. Haha.
      Yeap BTIMFL is a must watch romance drama! You'll never regret watching it.

  10. I think that I've commented but I don'ts ee my comment here so I guess I'm not? #dahtuacepatlupa

    New template looks good as always and congrats for your new domain!

    1. Haha no, mana ada tua. Hee.
      Thanks for the wish rasya :)

  11. gut luck n all the best ya..

  12. assalamualaikum :D I love your new design soo much!

  13. Hi Lya. Nampak sangatlah Siqah lama tak datang blog Lya sampai baru perasan Lya dah tukar template dan ada ur own domain. Congrats!! <3

    BTIMFL - ohhh I love this drama so much! Saja tengok ep 1 dan terus melekat sampai marathon tengok sampai last ep. Suka sangat ending dan nangis gak lah tengok drama ni. First time tengok hero dan heroin yang berlakon dalam drama ni. Not bad gak dorang berlakon :)

    1. Thanks Siqah. Tengok blog Siqah jugak one of the factor Lya tukar template and got my own domain hehe.
      BTIMFL - leading actors tu memang Lya minat gila so memandangkan drama tu pon best, memang penambah rasa la bila tengok. Best!
