Dear Single Ladies...

by - May 02, 2017

I was so exhausted last weekend. Our big family had a family day on Saturday and I moved to a new rent house on Sunday, after the family day. A bit about my family day, we stayed at Chalet Terapung Segantang Garam. The room price varied for room types. We booked a house with three rooms which cost RM420 for one night. Though I loved the short getaway, I was quite dissatisfied with the bathroom as the water supply was low pressure and the bathroom wasn't as clean as I expected it to be. But overall, I had a wonderful time as I loved the view so much especially the sunset view from our room.

chalet terapung segantang garam

chalet terapung segantang garam

Anyway, I moved to a new house last Sunday. I decided to move due to the long journey of 20minutes to my workplace from my old house while the distance between my new house to my workplace is only 8minutes. I rented the master bedroom with attached bathroom. 

As I didn't get a better look when I reviewed the room earlier, I was so shocked at the unhygienic conditions of the room. The ceiling and the wall were covered with cobweb while the ceiling fan was covered with thick dust. The white colour of the fan was hardly can be seen. The bathroom wall was so dirty, black spot was all over it. The toilet bowl was the worst of all, brown colour filled the bowl, clearly the previous owner never once cleaned her shit. I'm sorry for my language but I was so so mad at that time, still am, when recalling the moment. Like seriously, gurl? You left me your shit!

Dear single ladies,

I know we have all the freedom we want before we get married. We can do whatever we want, ignoring whatever people think about us but please, that doesn't mean we don't have to prepare ourselves for a married life and taking care of the hygiene around us is what should be our habit. Hell no, cleanliness is not only for married couple but it's our responsibility for ourselves. 

I honestly can't brain how you, unhygienic girls could dress up prettily when you went out but your room, your laundry was a mess and smelly and dirty! Harap muka je cantik. And the most important thing is, how can you perform your prayer in such a dirty surrounding as Islam clearly places great emphasis on cleanliness; 

"For Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean..." (al-Baqara, 222).

"He caused rain to descend on you from heaven, to clean you therewith..." (al-Anfal,11)

Dear single ladies,

I'm not saying to sweep the floor every second or clean the bathroom every time you take a bath but it's enough to just make sure your room, your house, is as clean as your appearance when you went out.

Siapa yang makan cili, dia yang terasa pedas. Soz not soz.

Till then,

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  1. Seriously, I also cannot stand dirty bathroom. i don't like sharing a house with other people except my family that is why i much prefer staying with my family eventhough i need to spend more than 30 minutes to reach my office

    1. If my office is only 30 minutes away like yours, I would prefer to stay with my family too. But I'm 3 hours away sobsob T___T

  2. Masa duduk serumah dengan kawan2 bujang macam2 Peél busuk. ..bila dah duduk seorang walaupun sakit sikit bayar lebih but life much better.

    1. Thing is Lya belum settle down lagi. Once I do, memang nak duduk sorang je, sewa satu rumah. Hee

  3. Tak sukanya bathroom kotor. Huhu. Itulah perangai kalau duduk ramai2 dalam satu rumah kan. Masing2 ada paie sendiri.

    8 mins je pergi ofis? Bestnyaaaa! Siqah ni haa hampir sejam jugak hari2 mengadap jalan sesak lagi. Huhu. Lya menyewa master bedroom dan attached bathroom, siqah rasa okay dah tu. Selesa kan :)

    1. Lya pon memang bathroom nombor satu kena tengok kalau sewa rumah. Yang ni pon tadahkan jugak cuci bagi bersih sebab attached bathroom, tak berkongsi dengan prang lain hee.

      Yeap memang jimat banyak la tang minyak, that's why pindah

  4. Tell them! they should know that you are so not okay with that. i believe in be bersabar and stuff but wrongdoings should be pointed out.

    1. I know right! Thing is I don't have the previous tenant's number to tell her bout it. Nasib baik jugak lah or else I'll curse her habis-habisan on the phone haha.

  5. I feel you Lya. At least cobweb, thick dust and spotted wall boleh bersihkan/repaint but the toilet bowl how lah to sental sampai berkilat.

    1. Actually it wasn't hard to sental pon which proven to be the previous tenant didn't bother to clean it at all during her stay. Ugh I'm so mad to think about it again haha

  6. Mmg best la tmpt kje dekat kn..senang...kalau bngun lambt pon bole cover lg..hihi
    Ops bgun lmbt tuu selalu i la tu..hihi

    1. Kantoi la titew, suka bangun lambat hari keje haha XD

  7. I've encountered with such ppl as well at some public washrooms & honestly it's VERY disgusting like she pooped there and left all her residues to me????

    Sometimes we have to re-check what we are going to leave in that "bowl". Flush if things aren't yet gone. Ok done bebel hahahahah =p sorry =p

    1. Ugh I totally can relate. Though it's just a public bathroom which we know that someone hired to clean it, but we should clean it after using it nonetheless.

      It's okay to bebel so that people would be reminded when they read your comment haha. I totally agree with you btw!

  8. That dirtiness and pretty lady, I feel you.. I totally feel you.. Q_Q

    1. Hope I won't encounter something like this in the future again T___T
