15 Blogging Facts About Me

by - February 24, 2017

This post is inspired from Erin (go check hers out) so here we go.

1. http://diarialiazmi.blogspot.my/ is my first URL, I never changed it as changing it means losing my traffic.

2. The blog started off with the title 'Diari Cik Gadis' - euw, I know. I plan to create a new title but I guess I'm not creative enough to come up with one at the moment.

3. I've never spend money on my blog but I will soon as I want to change my domain to (dot)com and it requires payment.

4. As I never spend money on my blog, I never purchase a premium template. I don't know what's the differences between the premium and free template but for me, most of the free one are more than okay.

5. I've never join any giveaway because I believe luck isn't with me as I never win any lucky draw before for the past 24 years of my life. But I think it won't hurt to try so if I find any giveaway that I'm interested in, I might join it.

6. Though it's been 6 years since I started blogging, I've never met any blogger friends before. I'd love to hang out with you guys sometime so hit me up if you have a plan to!

7. I always spend time to visit each blogger who left their footprint in my blog and do my very best to read their posts as they've read mine. I appreciate my readers, I mean, who doesn't?

8. I'll create a new draft post whenever I got a blog post idea as my brain couldn't save them. I'll jot down my blog post ideas in my notebook if the laptop isn't in front of me (I carry my notebook around all the time).

9. I blogged in Malay before decided to change the language in English in mid November 2016, just because. (but I occasionally use rojak Malay-English)

10. I don't have a certain niche, let's just say that I write whatever I feel like to. But I sort my posts in categories so it's easier for my readers to find what they seek for.

11. I don't have a blog schedule which I find is unorganized for my blog so I plan to make one.

12. I use justify mode for the paragraph of my blog posts as I think it's neat and more appealing to the eyes.

13. I always listen to music while writing a blog post because somehow the soothing melody acts as ideas generator for me.

14. I read my draft post 4-5 times to check any spelling or grammar errors before hitting the publish button. But I don't think my posts are completely free from these errors since English is not my forte.

15. As Mayy Jie said, I'm a fan of my own blog too, teehee.

Now, you should share yours!

Till then,

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  1. wow.. 6 years..!
    all teh best getting your own domain name..

  2. I've never join a giveaway too because my luck is just non existent lol

  3. serius ah weh kau sentiasa bawak notebook?

  4. 4. I think the different must be on coding part, well kita yg tak brapa tahu nak coding ni diam jer lah. haha.

    6. Where are you? lets hang out! :D

    14. lately 4~5 times mcm tak ckup. still juga bertypo sana sni. hahaha.

    15. We all a narcissists. but the good one. ^^

    1. 4. I see, but premium template should be easier la kot? kan? haha
      6. currently in Manjung, Perak. If you happen to be near me, jom lah, whenever!
      14. tahu takpee~
      15. ikr! haha

  5. Awww number 15 tu <3 , hahaha, mestilah penat2 design and menaip, mestilah support blog sendiri kan.

    Bila nak tukar domain tu? Hihihi mai ni dh banyak kali nekad nak tukar, then tiba2 tukar fikiran balik. Hahaha.

    1. tau takpe. siapa lagi nak adore kite punya blog kalau bukan kite sendiri kan haha.

      hmm tengoklah dulu bila-bila. Keputusan Lya pon back and forth jugak ni haha

  6. Your facts are literally the same as mine! Well, most of it. Hahaha. I can relate to you so much

  7. What a fun topic to blog. #4 is so me. They say it is the help that comes which require the payment but I still can manage on my own so yay jimatt. Never met any blogger, not having any niche, always use justify alignment and also a fan of my own blog. We can be like blogger bff if there were such thing.

    1. Yeap, since I can manage the coding and all myself plus the free template aren't that bad so I don't think I'll ever buy a premium ones.

      'blogger bff' I love it!

  8. Hehe. No #15!! Siqah pun peminat setia blog sendiri jugak. Muahahah. Sudahnya blog untuk kenangan diri sendiri kan :)

    Lama jugak Lya dah blogging. Now, you should buy your own domain and premium template? Hihi.

    1. Lama but sekarang je baru rasa that passion and fun in blogging hehe. Own domain memang nak beli but premium template maybe..tak? haha. we'll see what'll happen in the future XD

  9. thank you for doing this!!! xxx


    1. Thank you for giving me the idea :)

  10. I usually jot down ideas on phone's notes. :) And when I have free time (but without wifi), I will write a proper post on the phone then finally edit it by a laptop. I don't feel comfortable publishing a blog post via a phone T_T


    1. I don't use the notes in my phone, just jotted down few important details but the rest would be in my notebook

  11. Me too rojak blogging . Malay-english . Hihihi

    Of course we are the no 1 fan of our own blog. Memories kan. Kdg2 boring suka je baca balik entry lama2. Hahaha

    Nadia pun tak ada schedule blogging . Sebab rasa mcm tak nak terikat because bila mood nak publish post I will just do it . Sebab tue jrg blog nadia ber-update. Hahaha

    1. Rojak senang kan hihi

      Of course, who would be our number 1 fan if not ourselves!

      Yeah me too. Just update bila bebetul ada mood so quality content boleh dijaga
