A Bad News To Celebrate New Year

by - December 10, 2016

It finally was a very nice sunny morning, after a few days of rain and thunderstorm, and it was payday. I went to work in a happy mood, working my ass off to finalize the drawings that needed to be done by the week when suddenly I've been summoned to the boss's office. 

If you think it's not a big deal, know this, I've NEVER been called by the boss EVER so it was my first time after a year I started working so it creeped me out actually. Plus, the old man wasn't the kind of boss that you could have a laugh with. He's strict. VERY strict. Trembling holding my notebook, I marched toward his office with complicated mind, thinking what could possibly be the reason that he wanted to see me.

When I thought that he wanted to discuss the matter about work, man I was wrong. He asked about my family, my future plan to continue my studies, how long have I been working and how it was for a year working in the company. I knew he was just beating around the bush and even though I was so eager to ask him to just get to the point, I just played along. I mean, I'm just an employee, duhh.

"You know that we're short of projects and the work aren't that much anymore so I've been thinking to reduce staff,"

If you ever experienced being told to resign then you know how did I felt at that moment. The first thing that came in mind was my parents. How would I tell them? How can I help them and not being a burden again? (I've been helping with money, not that our family is poor but that's what a working child would be a help of, right?).

My boss kept telling me that it's not my fault, me working was excellent, I'm a good worker, yada yada but sir, you still broke my heart *insert crying emoji*. Anyway, I figured I've been asked to resign because I'm the newly-est hired. So if you're newly hired and working in a private sector, brace yourself. Not trying to scare you, but with our economy in its worse state right now, anything could happen. Well, I obviously didn't see that coming.

So there goes my not-so-happy new year news.

p/s : on the bright side, I finally get a long holiday I've been wanting to, yeayy!

Till then,

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  1. sorry to hear that but you'll get back in the game in no time insyaAllah. yay for holiday though!

    1. yeah, hope so, insyaAllah. thank you for the encouragement!

  2. Seems like we both having a bad day ._. .. I used to experience that situation while I was having a part time job before furthering my studies.. But maybe a holiday ain't a bad idea.. XD
    P/s: Thank you soo much for your strength advice.. Gonna keep it as my spirit.. <3

    1. yes, dear let's keep in mind that there's always rainbow after the rain :')

  3. Everyone has their ups and downs. Don't give up! Brighter future is waiting for you! :D

    1. yeah and it actually wasn't that bad I could just find another job, right? thank you!

  4. ouch, sad to hear it..
    cheer up and always look on the bright side of life ;)

  5. Dear, sorry to hear that.. Cheer up girl and brighter future is coming for you :)

    Love to hear that you're going for a holiday! Nanti post about ur holiday okay :)

    1. technically not that I'm going for a vacation, just holiday (read : lazying around at home) hahaha.

      anyway thanks siqa for the positive vibe :)

  6. be strong dear, sorry to hear that. T^T
    always see the bright side kan, be positive as always.
    may ALLAH ease everything for u :)

  7. be strong.. your rezeki is elsewhere, in shaa Allah..
    probably its time to pursue your PART 2?...

  8. Things happen for a reason.so dont worry girl. Sure have something big waiting for you in future. :)


  9. ya Allah.
    was never expecting i will read such a post. sorry to hear that T.T
    Allah surely has planned something better for you in the future! Fighting! :)

    1. it's okayy thank you for the sweet advice :)

  10. Lya, me just saw this post, and glad u make it! :) well, thats the problem with nowaday economic. my private sector too being push ourselves for not to burden our staff. They were actually our most valuable asset. :)

    1. thank you for the support! yea, I just believe there's better options for me out there, I just have to reach it. wish me luck!
